Wrap up of Rum Rebellion Renactment 2025 and towards Wurridjal festival - 12 April 2025

Illustration displayed shortly arrest of Bligh 26/1/1808, SLNSW

Reenactment of the Rum Rebellion Blog Posting 10/3/24, 12:19 

Higinbotham & Robinson & Higinbotham & Robinson. [189-?], Camperdown Parish of Petersham Higinbotham and Robinson, Sydney viewed 10 March 2024 http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-231105744Aiming to get a 26 jan reenactment of the Rum Rebellion in "Camperdown" which was the catalyst and somewhat ironically is now part of Annandale (eastern side of johnston creek).George Farwell's play The House ...https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2024/03/reenactment-of-rum-rebellion.html

Rum Rebellion in Cahill Park Annandale 26 Jan 2025 at 6pm Blogged 13/4/24, 9:55 

You are invited to a Script Reading of the 1952 play The House That Jack Built: A drama in four acts by George Farwell.https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2024/04/rum-rebellion-in-cahill-park-annandale.html

Rum Rebellion - Literature Search Blogged Fri, 20 Dec 2024 02:25:51 GMT: 

We are asked that, to understand the "Rum Rebellion", we need to understand the Sydney of the day and Europe of the time.   George and Ester had met on board ship. Ester Abrahams was a convict being transported to NSW with her baby daughter, Rosanna.  George Johnston was a Veteran of the American Civil War, where he grabbed the flag from the previous flag bearer - his own dying https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2024/12/rum-rebellion-literature-search.html

Rum Rebellion 2025 Production: AI, Podcast and all that Jazz or should this be Macurthur vs Pemulwuy Blogged 21/12/24, 12:23

"The upshot of the rebellion was that Bligh returned to England and Macarthur, and others, who had seized on the available opportunities continued to prosper and help build the commercial viability of the developing colony. So that’s one face of the Rum Rebellion/Rum Corps, the emergence of an at-times ruthless (even murderous) entrepreneurial spirit thatfacilitated the development of Australia’s https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2024/12/rum-rebellion-2025-production-ai.html

Engraving of Pimbloy(Pemulwuy). Published 1804? SLV

The Rum Rum Rebellion 2025:Pemulwuy vs Macarthur Blogged 6/1/25, 11:13

 Event:6pm,26January 2025 at Cahill St Playground, AnnandaleThe Rum Rum Rebellion 2025:Pemulwuy vs Macarthur Pimbloy(Pemulwuy): Native of New Holland in a canoe of that country. S. J. Neele. SLVPublic transport and short walks (audio) The Rebellion took place in 1808 on the 20th Anniversary of the landing of the first fleet at Farm Cove or Sydney Cove(warrang).1 "The ‘Rum https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2025/01/the-rum-rum-rebellion-2025pemulwuy-vs.html

Pemulwuy vs Macarthur Blog Posting 7/1/25, 22:57

Pemulwuy vs Macarthur 6pm, 26 January 2025 at Cahill St Playground, Annandale A one hour performance 6-7pm with the following 12 Characters.Banks:(Botanist on Cook’s Endeavour Voyage 1770): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Banks Land Grants and Creek Names from Mitchell Map Collection, SLNSW John White(surgeon on first fleet): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_White_(surgeon)&nbsp https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2025/01/pemulwuy-vs-macarthur.html

The Rum Rebellion 2025: V1. Pemulwuy vs Macarthur Blogged 27/1/25, 19:57  

Illustration displayed shortly arrest of Bligh 26/1/1808, SLNSW On Australia Day, the 26th January 1808 a Military Coup took place. The NSW ex-Marine Corp were cebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Colony at Sydney Cove..

In January 1788 the first fleet, with its convict cargo, anchored in Botany Bay. The Bay had been recommended by Cook(possibly at Bank’s prompting) as suitable for a penal colony. In April 1770, Cook named the Bay after the abundance of Sting Rays he found there. But  changed his journal entry to Botany Bay.

The leadership, of the First Fleet, found the Bay unsuitable for settlement and, after further investigation, chose Port Jackson. Cook had also described the Port. Doctor John White’s journal1 notes, the alternate place was picked for its source of water. But maybe, no inhabitants were seen in the hot January Sun and the inhabitants may have thought the fleet had left. Inhabitants are noted crossing the Port at night.....

The RAN was not created until 1909, after Allen Taylor of Annandale, had raised enough funds to buy a Dreadnought Ship for the Royal Navy.
The donors did not want their money back. It funded the Dreadnought Scheme  which promoted and assisted British youths  to come to Australia to provide labour on farms..

Cahill St Playground, Annandale. 26 Jan 2025


26 Jan 2025

The Dreadnought British War Ship - links to annandale and Virginia Woolfe's prank Blogged 23/3/24, 17:56

"The dreadnought was the predominant type of battleship in the early 20th century."  ...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadnought Came across this newbook at Glebe Library today (23 March 2024) The Girl Prince by  Danell Jones Virginia Woolf, Race and the Dreadnought HoaxA new look at a revolutionary writer, a diverse imperial city, and a controversial trick on the Royal Navy. https://perambuler.ramin.com.au/2024/03/the-dreadnought-british-war-ship-links.html

Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World: "[At Anchor, Botany Bay, New South Wales.]

Sunday, 29th. [April 1770)In the P.M. wind Southerly and Clear weather, with which we stood into the bay and Anchored under the South shore about 2 miles within the Entrance in 5 fathoms, the South point bearing South-East and the North point East. Saw, as we came in, on both points of the bay, several of the Natives and a few hutts; Men, Women, and Children on the South Shore abreast of the Ship, to which place I went in the Boats in hopes of speaking with them, accompanied by Mr. Banks, Dr. Solander, and Tupia. As we approached the Shore they all made off, except 2 Men, who seem'd resolved to oppose our landing."..

"Sunday, 6th. [May 1770]    In the evening the Yawl return'd from fishing, having Caught 2 Sting rays weighing near 600 pounds. The great quantity of plants Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander found in this place occasioned my giving it the Name of Botany Bay.* (* The Bay was at first called Stingray Bay. The plan of it at the Admiralty is called by this name, and none of the logs know Botany Bay. It seems probable that Cook finally settled on the name after the ship left, and when Banks had had time to examine his collections" ..Project Gutenberg, viewed 28 Jan 2025,https://www.gutenberg.org/files/8106/8106-h/8106-h.htm

Wurridjal Festival 2025 - Sunday 12 April

During the months of March and April, Cooks River People gather for Wurridjal Festival to celebrate the annual migration of the mullet and the First Nations cultural practices during mullet season. In 2025, Wurridjal Festival will take place from 29 March to 12 April..https://cooksriver.org.au/wurridjal-festival


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