
Showing posts from January, 2023

Hay Street Carpark - Affordable Housing Redevelopment

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 8 th d ay of October, 201 9 were confirmed as a correct record on this 22 nd day of October, 2019. C1019(1) Item 20         Land and Property Strategy Initiative - Hay Street Carpark    Affordable Housing Redevelopment Motion: (Kiat/Porteous)   THAT Council:   1.   Deliver t he Hay Street Carpark Redevelopment initiative including 100% affordable housing units, 55 space Council carpark and ground floor activation in partnership with Link housing including a profit share arrangement to commence after debt repayment;   2.   Provide an investment of $900,000 into the redevelopment funded from Affordable Housing Contributions;   3.   Lodge a site-specific planning proposal for the redevelopment Option 3 as detailed in the Confidential Attachment; and   4.     Thank staff and Councillors who have been involved in developing this proposal.   Motion Carrie

Cost of Amalgamation - M&L, Micromex, Technology One

  Council Meeting 9 August 2022   Item No:         C0822(1) Item 26 Subject:         Question on Notice: Amalgamation             From:             Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz      Question   What funds have been paid to Morrison&Lowe since amalgamation (proclamation of the Inner West Council) and for   what purpose?   Answer       Details on the above below:   ·    Council General – review of Parks reporting line ·    De-amalgamation - this is the work completed for the cost benefit analysis undertaken and the current business case process currently being undertaken inclusive of attendance at meetings and presentations provided. ·    Finance General – work completed covering the budget and QBRS process with senior staff to understand any problems with the process and develop a formal budget and forecasting user manual to be shared with all staff who participate in these processes and the complete review of