
Showing posts from September, 2022

Planning in the Inner West

Local Planning for Local Communities Consultation on the next stage of the LEP and DCP is currently on hold. Council has halted all work on the housing studies in Dulwich Hill, Marrickville and North Ashfield, following a unanimous Council resolution at the Council meeting on 13 September to halt the process. Councillors played no role in the preparation of those studies and were not briefed on them prior to their release. Council is waiting for advice from the NSW Government on how the government’s mandated housing targets can be considered across the whole LGA not just in these three locations. (viewed 24 Sep 2022 11.10)   but wait there is more and when reading this please note: Council Planning means the environment of buildings - the interface
  C0922(2) Item 1    Notice of Motion: Visit of Toyanath Ghimire to the Footprints Festival Motion: (Da Cruz/Howard) That: 1.   Note the attendance of Toyanath Ghimire Chair and Citizen Scientist of the Saptakoshi Environment Centre in Nepal at the Footprints Eco Festival in White’s Creek Valley on 3 September; and 2.   Receive a report on the framework for a community to community relationship with Barahkshetra Municipality 3.   Motion Carried For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion:          Nil    Item No:         C0922(2) Item 1 Subject:         Notice of Motion: Visit of Toyanath Ghimire to the Footprints Festival         Council Meeting at its meeting on 13 September 2022 resolved that the matter be de

USB Charging on the Electric 470
