
Sub-Minimum wage

Council Meeting 25 June 2024   Item No:              C0624(2) Item 34 Subject:              Question on Notice: Subminimum wages             From:                  Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz      “It's legal for disabled people to be paid as little as $2.90/hr, even though the minimum wage is $23.23/hr. " The Guardian had an article about the issue in January 2024 .    200 national and state organisations, over MPs & Councillors and over 2000 individuals  have signed an Abolish Subminimum Wage - Open Letter.  " Abolish Subminimum Wage - Open Letter Read this letter in Plain English Sign this letter We oppose the practice of paying disabled workers subminimum wage. It is unacceptable that in 2024 disabled people living in Australia can be paid as little as $2.9

Council Meeting 25 Jun 2024 - Gambling, Condolence, Soft Plastics & Styrofoam Waste, Climate Change Adaptation, Budget and DAs

Source: Minutes Meeting 25 June with George Catsi on award night at Marrickville Town Hal l C0624(2) Item 44  Mayoral Minute: Congratulations to Inner West Citizen of the Year George Catsi Motion: (Byrne)  That Council congratulate Petersham Bowling Club President George Catsi on being awarded Inner West Citizen of the Year That Council receive a report to the August Ordinary Council meeting on how Council’s “Love your Club” program can provide incentives and assistance to community based clubs to transition away from reliance on poker machine revenue. Mr Catsi is to be consulted in the development of the report and its recommendations. Motion Carried For Motion:    Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis and Stephens Against Motion: Nil and others who make ours a great community C0624(2) Item 43  Mayoral Minute: Condolence motion for