Inner West De-merger business case - localisation in a large council

In my view (but I could be wrong as I was only a community member and not a councillor on Leichhardt Council), the business case assumes we have acheived all that was promised by the amalgamation and shows no understanding of the pain the community has endured and the reduction of services. It is true that councillors now need to be across a larger area in the case of Gulgadya it extends from half of Annandale, to Croydon, taking in Haberfield and Leichhardt (suburb) as well as a part of Ashfield (suburb) along Parramatta Road. Half was in Leichhardt and the other half in Ashfield council with their very different policies and services. Examples are: Scheduled vs Booked Pickups (even those in the Marrickville LGA are complaining about dumping and they loved their booked service) The selection of people for the so called "Local Democracy" groups the administrator set up to replace the open advisory committees (I was a regular at the Heritage Committee of Leichhardt Coucil an...