Sustainable Community Facilities
Council Meeting 12 March 2019: C0319(1) Item 3 Historic Fee Waivers for Various Swimming and Water Polo Clubs at the Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre and Dawn Fraser Baths and a Comparison to Club Arangements at other Aquatic Centres in the LGA: DACRUZ Amendment "6. Approach Water Polo NSW to extend MOU across all aquatic centres and enter into further MOUs with Universities." incorporated. C0319(1) Item 6 Notice of Motion: Sustainable Community Buildings Motion: (Da Cruz/Hesse) THAT Council: 1. Undertake a review to convert the composting toilet at Whites Creek Cottage to a conventional toilet. If the works can be undertaken within existing budgets complete the conversion as soon as possible. If the works require a capital budget, include the project in the 4 year delivery program; and 2. Review the Sustainability of the White’s Creek Cottage and report back on opportunities to improve its financial and environmental sustainability. Motion Carried For Motion: Crs...