Inner West Council Draft Land and Property Strategy

The Inner West Council has extended the exhibition period for its draft Land and Property Strategy to 20 March 2019

According to the Land and Property Strategy PDF, the Inner West Council is the custodian of 2 million square metres of land and 298 buildings. This includes public roads, Crown Land where council is the Trustee, community and sporting facilities, parks, Crown Reserves as well as Council Office Space, Depots, childcare centres, aquatic centres and spaces that Council lease to others for both community and commercial use.

The Strategy forms part of the state government mandated integrated planning and reporting framework and is intended to provide strategic direction and implement the Inner West Community Strategic Plan.

The Community Strategic Plan guiding principle is to work together in a way that is creative, caring and just and sets out 5 strategic directions.
  1. An ecologically sustainable Inner West
  2. Unique liveable, networked neighbourhoods
  3. Creative communities and a strong economy
  4. Caring, happy, health communities
  5. Progressive local leadership
The Policy & Action Plan aims to:
  • Optimise benefits to the community, are sustainable and equitable;
  • Demonstrate industry ‘Best Practice’, be transparent, consistent, manage risk and demonstrate best value for money;
  • Meet the needs of our Community now and in the future;
  •  Optimise Council revenue to support services delivery and community capacity;
Council operates
  • 3 Administration Buildings 
  • 4 Depots
  • 22 Council Operated Child-Care Services
  • 7 Council Owned Creative Spaces Short Term Leases
  • 21 Council Operated Community Services Rooms &Buildings including 6 Town Halls and Venues for Hire [Main Issues/Risks include "Aging heritage buildings"]
  • 2 Community Nurseries
  • 6 Community Gardens leased to Community Groups
  • 1 Community recycling centre at Catherine Street Leichhardt
  • 47 Bushcare and natural area management sites 
  • 8 Libraries 
  • 22 Sporting Grounds
  • 46 Parks Public Amenities Buildings
  • 1 Golf Course Leased
  • 6 x Aquatic Centres
  • Tenanted Spaces (6 Cafés, 11 Leased Out Child-Care Centres, 9 Leases to Community based Clubs
  • 5 Investment leases(Telstra Towers at Marrickville, Petersham, St Peters, Tempe Lands Tyne Container storage, Tempe Golf Driving Range)
  • 17 Community Not for Profit & Government Funded Services
  • 3 SES Services
  • 46 Public Car Parks
  • 2 x Recreation Centres 
  • 6 Affordable Housing Strata Management
  • Bridgewater Park Pump House
  • 2 x Stadiums.
  • Boomerang Bags at Annandale Community Centre
  • Roads and Footpaths
The draft Land and Property Policy PDF includes:
10.4. Accommodation Grants
a) Accommodation Grants (Grant) equivalent to all or part of the market rent may be granted to Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s), incorporated Not-For-Profit (NFP) service providers, sporting and community organizations for non-commercial purposes provided that such uses align with the community’s demonstrated needs or aspirations, and further the objectives in Council’s Statement of Vision and Priorities and/or Strategic, Community or other adopted Plans. Refer to Table 1.0 Accommodation Grant Eligibility Criteria
b) Priority areas of support for not-for-profit businesses will be determined by Council.
c) The percentage of the Accommodation Grant will reflect the community benefit to the Community from the Lease and service provided the extent to which it aligns with Council’s

    Please have your say by 20 March at


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