Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Biodiversity and Tree Canopy in the Inner West

From Statutory Review of NSW Biodiversity Act (Aug 2023)
Questions asked at 8 Aug 2023 Council Meeting

On Item 4 Tree Canopy Report Q: What is the unspent tree planting budget for 22/23FY?

A: The 2022/23 tree planting program had an original budget of $2M. Within this budget line item, $550,000 was spent on tree planting, resulting in an underspend of 1.45M. 

It should be noted that there were over 1,000 trees planted across the LGA in 2022/23 which satisfied our target. 

Expenses associated with this planting were largely charged to individual project budgets rather than the tree planting program budget.

And on item 17 Delivery Program 22-26 & Operational Plan 22-23 Quarter 4 Report
Q:Is there a reason why the tree strategy and other projects have been held up?

A: The street tree strategy has been rescheduled as it required the adoption of the Tree DCP2003 (completed March 2023) for alignment purposes. 

The strategy has also been impacted by the resignation of the manager and are direction of resources to focus on outstanding tree related customer enquiries and service levels to the community.

Statutory Review into Biodiversity Act (Aug 2023) https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/topics/animals-and-plants/biodiversity/overview-of-biodiversity-reform/statutory-review-of-the-biodiversity-conservation-act-2016

Terry Lennis, who discovered the nest,
will guide a walk for History Week 2023 
on Sat, 9 Sep 2023 10AM - 12PM 
Aboriginal horticulturalist and 
proud D'harawal man, Terry Lennis 
will take you on a tour  of 
Whites Creek Valley Park, Annandale. 
Currawong feeding a channel billed cuckoo in brush box shoulder tree, two summers running. 

Videos here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VznfXw3EBE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLZkhlhJ36A

Wondering what is the annual budget for Trees since amalgamation?

What grants have there been from State Government for Tree Planting and Biodiversity since Amalgamation?

What funds are there from offsets for Trees and Biodiversity on Private Land and State Government Road Projects including multiple Stages of Westconnex, Rozelle Interchange, Iron Cove Link, Western Harbour Tunnel, Sydney Gateway etc.

In total what is the amount of unspent funds in Biodiversity and Tree budget since amalgamation

What are the Savings in unfilled positions related to Trees and Biodiversity since amalgamation.

Land for Trees and Cycleways


WHO Economics of the health implications of waste management in the context of a circular economy.

World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe 2023: 

"The world is at a crossroads. For decades, economies have relied on the linear model to “take, make, and dispose”; a circular economy is slowly emerging, which looks to “renew, remake, and share” instead.

Moving toward a circular economy requires a fundamental rethinking of waste management practices and how they can affect health and well-being.

This report analyzes assessment of economic benefits of the health outcomes from better waste management,and discusses approaches for assessing health impacts and their economic consequences in decision-making for a zero-pollution future based on the principles of a circular economy and sustainable waste management.

Transformation to more sustainable waste management with low health risks entails substantial economic costs: in remediation of historic waste deposit sites, investment in purchasing and maintaining modern technologies for waste burning, and promoting job switching to avoid lost livelihoods.

Economic assessment methods have evolved and include selected topics in the social dimension of sustainability, such as equity.

This trend in economic assessment has substantially facilitated the evaluation of health and well-being in the context of the circular economy and waste management in both the short and long term"

- Economics of the health implications of waste management in the context of a circular economy. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. https://apps.who.int/iris/rest/bitstreams/1487596/retrieve

From Glossary

CE[Circular Economy] 

HiAP[health in all policies]

Executive summary

Source: xiv | Economics of the health implications of waste management in the context of a circular economy
"The current broad area of sustainability links the topic of health to a number of areas in which significant changes can be expected after transition to a circular economy (CE) under conditions of climate sustainability. In such a context, there is pressure to transform the waste sector as well as the material flows of resource use throughout supply chains. In evaluating such actions, emphasis is naturally placed on techno-economic parameters that take into account environmental impacts. The
topic of health and waste is thus dispersed in the CE into a number of sub-agendas, such as environmental health, water reuse, food safety and sustainable transport.

Each of these areas impacts several determinants of health and well-being simultaneously. In a number of cases, the impacts of individual determinants oppose
each other; e.g., inadequately regulated water reuse for irrigation in agriculture leads to more hazardous substances in food. If a CE solution is to be sustainable, however, the negative impacts must not outweigh the positive ones, from not only a techno-economic but also an environmental and social perspective.

Measurement of social well-being falls within the area of health metrics. The most widely used metrics for decision support in health and health care include quality-adjusted life year (QALY) and disability-adjusted life year (DALY), which cover a certain proportion of social well-being, partly depending on the method of expressing their monetary value. The dominant approach in recent decades has been based on non-market-based valuation methods in stated preference studies, resulting in a willingness to pay (WTP) for a change in the risk of health damage. The value thus obtained is subject to a number of biases that economists are still addressing systematically, and the method overall requires a careful approach and a high level of expertise. Nevertheless, its use is widespread because it can theoretically provide a robust estimate of financially unreported values related to societal views of health and well-being. The values are used to prepare the results for further communication of the outputs of health assessment methods with stakeholders or are further elaborated in the form of cost–benefit analysis (CBA) or cost–effectiveness analysis (CEA) to support sound decision-making. For the global health and development agenda, these analyses are extended to include the distribution of impacts, such as equity issues, and to deal with uncertainties due to unquantifiable impacts as part of recommended practices.

There is methodological overlap between the magnitude of uncertainty of economically unquantifiable effects and estimates of the magnitude of health impact or risk, as in both cases the aim is to provide a sound basis for decisions and subsequent communication with stakeholders.

The framework for economic evaluation of the health implications of waste in the CE is based on an analysis of relevant methods and definition of three levels of evaluation management in relation to the time horizon of a plan, programme, policy or project. A portfolio of methods from the static perspective, which balances the effects of health determinants in all three pillars of sustainability, the “triple
bottom line”, provides the most accurate, detailed basis for decision-making. The
disadvantage is relatively rapid outdating of such assessments. For the single-cycle
perspective, the methods have a degree of uncertainty. The economic viewpoint is used to evaluate system capacity in terms of resource efficiency or society-wide preferences derived from WTP. Linked to this are thresholds for the level of acceptability of proposed medium-term activities. The last circular perspective has a
long-term sustainability strategy, in the sense of investment in health and systematic balancing and enhancing of the positive effects of health determinants on overall health and well-being.

This occurs not only during one material, product or resource recovery facility cycle but also takes into account and monitors impacts in subsequent cycles. This perspective has a high level of uncertainty, which is reflected in the portfolio of proposed methods.

From an economic viewpoint, the circular perspective incorporates the principles of
investment appraisal with an impact on the social rate of return on investment.

Waste prevention combined with successful transformation of the waste sector into a sustainable resource recovery sector under climate-neutral conditions has a realistic prospect of achieving a very high social return on investment. In order to prove this assumption, the right direction of health impacts for all sub-topics in the public and private sectors must be carefully managed when deciding on plans, programmes, policies or projects in the waste sector in a CE. From a strategic circular perspective, a coordinated HiAP approach meets those assumptions."

Key messages

Source: xvi | Economics of the health implications of waste management in the context of a circular economy

"The economics of the health implications of waste in the context of a transition to a circular economy (CE) are not sufficiently covered in the literature. The main topic in assessing system performance in a CE is the material cycle and the resulting focus on techno-economic and environmental solutions. The social issues of the topic, like health and waste prevention, are under-represented in the literature.

Economic tools for evaluating health and well-being can be used in the context of the CE, as these now include selected topics in the social dimension of sustainability, including equity.

Despite a number of shortcomings, non-market valuation methods with a willingness-to-pay (WTP) approach dominate economic valuation of health implications because they include the social component of health and well-being.

The theme of health is reflected in its determinants in all pillars of sustainability when assessing system sustainability. The portfolio of methods and approaches analysed in the static perspective of the proposed framework for economic evaluation of the health implications of waste in the context of a CE provide the most accurate evidence for decision-making. The disadvantage is rapid outdating of the evidence base.

The proposed circular perspective covers the longest time horizon for long-term sustainability strategies and provides a platform forcoordinating health issues in the public sector and the private sphere through investments for health in the framework of the health-in-all-policies (HiAP) approach."

CHAPTER 8 Health & waste - beyond economics

source 54 | Economics of the health implications of waste management in the context of a circular economy

"This section raises issues that should not be overlooked, because, in a CE, all good and all bad things return to the cycle.

8.1 Susceptibility

The economic consequences of the health effects
related to waste are distributed unevenly by
population, mainly according to the initial health
state. Vulnerable groups include infants, the
elderly and other sensitive groups with limited
and impaired health. The economic impact is
generally higher on these groups than on the
general population, including direct health-
care-related cost per patient with a co-morbid
condition. The formal human capital costs of this
group are, however, low, as the most susceptible
segments of a population contribute marginally
to the formal economy (142). Chronic exposure
to pollutants, including from the waste sector,
mainly affects sensitive populations who are
already economically vulnerable due to their
suboptimal general health.

8.2 Ethical concerns: exportation

of health-related externalities
Transformation to a CE raises concern because
of the well-known past reaction of the mining,
production and manufacturing sector, which
is to export pollution and other environmental
burdens. The stricter the regulations on the
resource recovery industry, the more likely
it is to try to situate itself out of regulatory
reach. The speed with which they can leave EU
territory depends on many factors, including
the cost of relocation, the capital intensity of the
technology and the level of expertise required
for effective, safe operation. Achievement
of a well-balanced environment of control
and motivation is a challenge for successful
transition to a CE.
An emphasis on refurbishment and longer
operational life of goods will have to overcome
barriers set by the current market inertia in
relation to the diminished perception of the
quality and reliability of goods. When a CE exists
already, instruments such as “performance-
based business models” are emerging,
whereby the customer pays for the “utility” of
the product and not for its quality or volume.
Such sustainable business models have limits,
however, and not all businesses can follow the
path to a CE immediately.
Resale of used and refurbished goods also has
positive and negative sides. Less efficient or
environmentally less sound technologies and
goods have been sold to less developed countries
for a long time, even within the EU (143–145).
In the short term, this can be interpreted as a
mutually beneficial strategy, especially in view
of growing consumption, but as less favourable
in the long term with regard to the environment
and ethics because of life-cycle costs, the impact
of distribution on life-cycles and possibilities for
end-of-life management.

These approaches and models of a CE must
therefore be responsibly assessed according
to the CE perspective. Otherwise, the health-
related risks of waste management are just
exported from a territory with a CE and strong
pollution control to less-developed settings
without the appropriate infrastructure, business
model or regulatory framework for efficient
management (146). The CE values high ethical
principles, which must be applied beyond
national and regional borders.

8.3 Quality and safety concerns

Extension of the waste sector back into the
supply chain raises concern about general
quality and safety (40). Control of the quality of
reintroduced or reused materials would shift
the costs in the chain; however, sectors such
as health care would face strong resistance
because of the high priority of health. The new
risks and benefits must be carefully assessed,
and extension of circularity measures to
highly vulnerable and health-risk sensitive
environments like health care must be
selective. Further research on harmonization
of safety-sensitive sectors and CE practices is
complex (147), as partly recognized by several
institutions and initiatives, such as Health Care
Without Harm and the Cochrane Collaboration,
and more support is necessary to overcome
current resistance in the sector.
Thus, application of sustainability to waste
management is only the beginning of the
challenges of environmental pollution
management and control, which go beyond
national strategic cooperation. Transition
to a CE is a long-term task involving all the
stakeholders in the production process stream
of the current linear economy and systematic
resolution of all the partial inefficiencies that
lead to negative impacts on the environment
and public health.

8.4 Waste crime

The external costs of pollution are exported
both formally and informally, depending on
market regulation, taxation and other costs
associated with waste management. This
applies to both the production sector and the
waste sector. The impact of waste electrical
and electronic equipment is clearly described
in a report on countering illegal trade in these
wastes, with a market assessment, legal
analysis and recommendations (143).
The more comprehensive and strict the policies
on waste management are, the higher the costs
for their execution. If the requirement for such
controls is underestimated, however, informal
waste management is introduced, and the
consequent health risks cannot be managed
efficiently. Such findings are reported by
EnviCrimeNet (146), an organization supported
by Europol. Waste crime is persistent, and
hazardous waste from the health-care sector
represents a particularly serious threat to public
health (148).

8.5 Waste management and challenges to social and environmental responsibility

Waste management must include residual
inefficiency in the product or service chain
that has accumulated in previous stages of the
linear economy. Such inefficiency has several
sources, the most common being technological
limitations, limited knowledge of the real
impacts, limited resources, time constraints
and combinations of these. This results not
only in a mixture of hazardous materials in
waste but also a mixture of difficult impacts on the environment and health. In business and financial terms, management strategies are

optimized to ensure that the processes and
services with the highest impacts on the overall
economic performance of the organization
are used under all the above-mentioned limits
and constraints. This also applies to the waste
management sector. Making the highest profit
under given conditions and regulations remains
the strongest driver of the economy, although
social responsibility and environmental
sustainability have been adopted to a certain
extent by the business culture, depending on
the development of countries.


Further challenges are related mainly to
transformation of the waste sector and the
infrastructure of supportive, sustainable resource
recovery from waste facilities in a climate-neutral
economic policy. The possibilities for effective
transformation of the waste sector differ among
countries in the European Region, as strong
regulation and little control (enforcement) can
push waste management outside the formal
economy and thus increase the negative
impacts on public health and the environment.
In view of the differences within the Region in
transformation of the national waste sector in
the context of the CE, one solution would be to
ensure that plans correspond to the capacity and
requirements of each country.
Economists are aware of the limitations of the
current approach to prosperity through GDP
growth and the limits of current economic
methods for tracking sustainability, even in
the area of environmental health and social
well-being. Until the necessary transformation
also takes place in the field of economic
reporting and evaluation, communication with
stakeholders must be maintained to promote
concepts such as HiAP. Transformation of a
traditional linear economy into an equitable,
well-being-enhancing CE cannot take place
in isolation in one country or region, such as
Europe: this is an international challenge. Each
individual country has different conditions
and capacities for successful transformation of
the waste sector and different possibilities for
changing consumption patterns and attitudes
towards a healthy lifestyle.
Specific requirements in terms of public health
impacts will be better perceived on closer
assessment of national baseline situations for,
e.g., strategic planning of resource recovery
capacity in view of a gradual decrease in non-
recyclable waste, the degree of control of the
chemical load of recovered materials and
resources or introduction and enforcement
of end-of life criteria for new products.
Subsequent economic evaluation of health
impacts will guide efficient allocation of funds in
accordance with the significance and influence
of health determinants. The dispersion of the
health theme throughout different economic
sectors and policy areas has led to HiAP. The
HiAP framework for national implementation
is particularly relevant in the context of a
transition to a climate-neutral CE, as it offers a
coordinated approach to continuous promotion
of health and well-being in the public space.
The necessary condition for successful progress
towards a CE is the availability of a balanced
assessment of the health implications of
enabling actions. The CE perspective of
assessment ensures evidence for responsible
decisions that are not based on short-term,
purely economic interests but will achieve
generally optimal, efficient, sustainable long-
term solution."


Friday, August 25, 2023

'70s Annandale: A Short Walk the cover

The cover colour and illustration is by Santiago Diaz. More pictures here https://www.instagram.com/santiagodiaz3411/

The Building is Ningana in Annandale.

In 1978 a SMH article revealed that a 53 room fully furnished three story building had stood empty for 7 years. The building was completed in 1971 and intended to house 'ten pound POMs' squatters moved in to stop a selloff by the State Minister. The Commonwealth maintained it still had part ownership muddying the waters for the sale.

Shelter and Leichhardt Council ran a survey, of local residents, to demonstrate the need for local housing. They then backed a Coop model with the Council nominating two directors... 



  1. Pg30, Champions of Change, https://shelternsw.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/champions_of_change_ebook.pdf, viewed 31 July 2023
  2. Pg 56/7/8, Champions of Change, https://shelternsw.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/champions_of_change_ebook.pdf, viewed 31 July 2023

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Inner West Council Newsletter on Waste Services (AKA resource recovery)

Good to see a bumper issue of Inner West Council News on Waste Services (AKA resource recovery)

May be an image of 3 people, motorcycle and text that says "mightw rfapoinArrandale Streets of the future find yourself driving down Hutchinson Streeti Annandale, see Councilis exciting new recycling use create modified Council product sustainable Recycling emonstration Project council capital and extending and sustainable, old FOGO community champions We super excited share the news Inner Council's three promote sustainability recycling. businesses: Cornersmith, Meiklejohn Did know? The current population total (approx. 44,000 more education outreach. leading workshops most with dogs, with popular breeds Ragdoll Kids.Ä°r FOGO- workshops.in partnerships perfectly Domestic, Poodle, mission make sustainability West even better. The Inner Cavoodle, then Statfy Council Companion Animal more free. petI collars tags our"
Inner West Council News (August 2023)

We are helping to tackle the mountain of old tyres by trialling a new mix on our roads - with a trial in Hutchinson, Annandale. 
EPA NSW: "Tyres that are used, rejected or unwanted are classified as waste tyres and need to be managed responsibly. This includes casings, seconds, shredded tyres or tyre pieces. Tyres that are retreaded or intended to be used for retreading or recycling must also be managed as waste tyres. The NSW Government supports Tyre Stewardship Australia and the national Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme." https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/.../waste/industrial-waste/tyres
May be an image of 4 people, lighting and text
Bower Tiny House Course
Also covering

Every household should receive one in their letterbox! https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/about/news/inner-west-council-news

May be an image of 2 people and text
May be an image of 2 people and text
Habitat for Humanity Australia is part of Habitat for Humanity, an international not-for-profit that originated in Georgia, United States in 1976. Habitat for Humanity began as a grassroots effort driven by the vision of a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live. The housing organisation has since grown to become a leading global non-profit working in more than 70 countries. Since then it has been our mission to build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.
Booked Pickups: "Spring clean
Did you know you can book
a free clean-up whenever
you need it?

Because Council is working towards its goal of zero waste, there are a range of
free services that help you dispose of large items easily.
There are several categories of rubbish we can remove including bulky household
items and furniture, metal and whitegoods and mattresses as well as large
tree branches. It’s really important to book the right service as different trucks will come and pick up your rubbish. 
Scan this QR code to find out more and book your spring clean" 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Land for Trees and Cycleways

File:(1) Johnston Street Annandale.jpg
Johnston St, Annandale in 1800s (Wikimedia)
Chester St, Annandale

We need to make better use of our road reserve to provide underutilised land for pedestrians, public transport, trees, vegetation and cycleways. 


Pyrmont Bridge Road
Climate Council: "Our ability to get around – safely and without barriers – is fundamental to our quality of life, wellbeing and participation in society. Transport connects us to everything: our communities, workplaces, friends and family, education, healthcare and all the essential services we need." - Shifting gear: The path to cleaner transport, 2023, https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/shifting-gear-the-path-to-cleaner-transport/


19thCentury photos of Annandale on the verge of Johnston St. But by federation shoulder trees appeared in Haberfield and subsequently elsewhere. The trees planted on the shoulder of the road, predate the rise of cars, bitumen and concrete.

"The idea I think was that the trees were for a canopy that you would walk under and that is why they are planted in the shoulder of the road, so that one half goes over the road and the other half goes over the footpath" - The garden suburb: a conversation with Vincent Crow By: Ilaria Vanni Category: Home Gardens of Haberfield, 21st Century https://www.mappingedges.org/projects/home-gardens-of-haberfield/vincent-crow-garden-suburb/

Water Sensitive Urban Design

The Camber of the road, means water runs off to the top of the road and is available to trees and vegetation, before it runs into the gutter and out to natural creeks and rivers to the sea.

"3.1.1 Crowning drainage
Crowning, also known as camber, involves raising the centre of the road profile 150–300 mm above the table drain or natural
surface so that water drains from a high point in the centre to both sides of the road (Figures 4 and 5). Correct crowning
reduces the chance of potholes and rutting and reduces the frequency in which re-sheeting and routine grading is required."...Erosion and sediment control on unsealed roads, A field guide for erosion and sediment control maintenance practices, 2012 https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/-/media/OEH/Corporate-Site/Documents/Water/Water-quality/erosion-sediment-control-unsealed-roads-field-guide-120410.pdf

Cycle Ways

In the City of Sydney we have seen a network of one way streets, with parking on both sides and re-allocation of land to Safer Cycling in a cycle lane, with concrete barriers to stop vehicles from straying.  

Pyrmont Bridge Road

Still in Development is the Pyrmont Bridge dedicated cycle lanes. This Road is mostly in City of Sydney However, the stretch between Mallet St and Parramatta Road is in Inner West Council where the cycle lanes were a part of the Parramatta Urban Renewal (PRUAIP, now split into Tech Central) and Westconnex Plans on closing of the adjacent Dive Site.
Pyrmont Bridge Road, Annandale - Westconnex Dive Site

Chester St at Pyrmont Bridge Rd

40k Speed Limit has been implemented on the Annandale, Inner West Council section of road.

PRUAIP-New cycleway from Parramatta Rd to Mallet St

PRUAIP Objective
Thumbnail Pyrmont Bridge Way Artist impression
Artist impression of new cycleway

The project seeks to improve the environmental qualities of the inner west and see the importance of achieving sustainability outcomes within the projects. The projects shall contribute to overall biodiversity outcomes, reduction of urban heat island, increased urban forest cover, improved air and water quality and other environmental opportunities that the project can provide. The PRUAIP is a NSW State Government, $198 million initiative under the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Program.... https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/develop/council-run-works-and-projects/park-building-and-road-projects/upcoming-and-ongoing-projects/pruaip-camperdown-cycle-way
Rozelle Public Domain Masterplan
The Recommendation to put  the Draft Masterplan on Public Exhibition was on the Agenda of Inner West Council Meeting 8 August 2023, at item 8, but Labor Councillors used their majority to block exhibition. Minutes of meeting https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2023/08/C_08082023_MIN_4011_WEB.htm

Billions have been spent on Westconnex, Rozelle Interchange and Iron Cove Link. The Western Harbour Tunnel is adding to the bill though very little thought has gone on cycling, walking and public transport to realise the benefits of these new roads. The projects have also taken their toll on the tree canopy and habitat in the Inner West and across Sydney. The Exhibition of the Draft Rozelle Public Domain Masterplan - Community Consultation addresses this.

 Figure 5: Photomontage of the proposed changes to Victoria Road looking east to the City. (draft master plan)

Inner West Council Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP)

"The purpose of this Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is to inform Inner West Council’s (Council) commitment to best practice asset management and provide principles for sound asset investment decision making in its transportation network.

The TAMP documents the overall integrated planning framework to guide and improve Council’s long-term strategic management of its roads, paths, kerbs, bridges, traffic management devices and street furniture in order to cater for the community’s required levels of service into the future as detailed in Section 3.6 Level of Service....

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 

Facilitates the adoption of nationally consistent road rules in
NSW, the Australian Road Rules. It also makes provision for
safety and traffic management on roads and road related areas
including alcohol and other drug use, speeding and other
dangerous driving, traffic control devices and vehicle safety

Roads Act 1993 

Sets out rights of members of the public to pass along public roads, establishes procedures for opening and closing a public road, and provides for the classification of roads. It also provides for declaration of the RTA and other public authorities as roads authorities for both classified and unclassified roads, and confers certain functions (in particular, the function of carrying out roadwork) on the RTA and other roads authorities. Finally it provides for distribution of functions conferred by this Act between the RTA and other roads authorities, and regulates the carrying out of various activities on public roads."...

Source: Page 29 of 52, Transport Asset Management https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/ArticleDocuments/1490/Asset%20Management%20Plan%20-%20Transport%202022-32.pdf.aspx 

Condition Assessment Report, Inner West Council https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/ArticleDocuments/1882/2018%2008%20IWC%20-%20Condition%20Assessment%20Report%20-%20Final%20V1.1.docx.aspx



Dietitions exhibition at RPA

Exhibition about Dietitions at Royal Prince Alfred hospital by their museum. "RPA Museum Founded in 1933, th...