Biodiversity and Tree Canopy in the Inner West

From Statutory Review of NSW Biodiversity Act (Aug 2023)
Questions asked at 8 Aug 2023 Council Meeting

On Item 4 Tree Canopy Report Q: What is the unspent tree planting budget for 22/23FY?

A: The 2022/23 tree planting program had an original budget of $2M. Within this budget line item, $550,000 was spent on tree planting, resulting in an underspend of 1.45M. 

It should be noted that there were over 1,000 trees planted across the LGA in 2022/23 which satisfied our target. 

Expenses associated with this planting were largely charged to individual project budgets rather than the tree planting program budget.

And on item 17 Delivery Program 22-26 & Operational Plan 22-23 Quarter 4 Report
Q:Is there a reason why the tree strategy and other projects have been held up?

A: The street tree strategy has been rescheduled as it required the adoption of the Tree DCP2003 (completed March 2023) for alignment purposes. 

The strategy has also been impacted by the resignation of the manager and are direction of resources to focus on outstanding tree related customer enquiries and service levels to the community.

Statutory Review into Biodiversity Act (Aug 2023)

Terry Lennis, who discovered the nest,
will guide a walk for History Week 2023 
on Sat, 9 Sep 2023 10AM - 12PM 
Aboriginal horticulturalist and 
proud D'harawal man, Terry Lennis 
will take you on a tour  of 
Whites Creek Valley Park, Annandale. 
Currawong feeding a channel billed cuckoo in brush box shoulder tree, two summers running. 

Videos here and

Wondering what is the annual budget for Trees since amalgamation?

What grants have there been from State Government for Tree Planting and Biodiversity since Amalgamation?

What funds are there from offsets for Trees and Biodiversity on Private Land and State Government Road Projects including multiple Stages of Westconnex, Rozelle Interchange, Iron Cove Link, Western Harbour Tunnel, Sydney Gateway etc.

In total what is the amount of unspent funds in Biodiversity and Tree budget since amalgamation

What are the Savings in unfilled positions related to Trees and Biodiversity since amalgamation.

Land for Trees and Cycleways


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