Land for Trees and Cycleways

File:(1) Johnston Street Annandale.jpg
Johnston St, Annandale in 1800s (Wikimedia)
Chester St, Annandale

We need to make better use of our road reserve to provide underutilised land for pedestrians, public transport, trees, vegetation and cycleways. 


Pyrmont Bridge Road
Climate Council: "Our ability to get around – safely and without barriers – is fundamental to our quality of life, wellbeing and participation in society. Transport connects us to everything: our communities, workplaces, friends and family, education, healthcare and all the essential services we need." - Shifting gear: The path to cleaner transport, 2023,


19thCentury photos of Annandale on the verge of Johnston St. But by federation shoulder trees appeared in Haberfield and subsequently elsewhere. The trees planted on the shoulder of the road, predate the rise of cars, bitumen and concrete.

"The idea I think was that the trees were for a canopy that you would walk under and that is why they are planted in the shoulder of the road, so that one half goes over the road and the other half goes over the footpath" - The garden suburb: a conversation with Vincent Crow By: Ilaria Vanni Category: Home Gardens of Haberfield, 21st Century

Water Sensitive Urban Design

The Camber of the road, means water runs off to the top of the road and is available to trees and vegetation, before it runs into the gutter and out to natural creeks and rivers to the sea.

"3.1.1 Crowning drainage
Crowning, also known as camber, involves raising the centre of the road profile 150–300 mm above the table drain or natural
surface so that water drains from a high point in the centre to both sides of the road (Figures 4 and 5). Correct crowning
reduces the chance of potholes and rutting and reduces the frequency in which re-sheeting and routine grading is required."...Erosion and sediment control on unsealed roads, A field guide for erosion and sediment control maintenance practices, 2012

Cycle Ways

In the City of Sydney we have seen a network of one way streets, with parking on both sides and re-allocation of land to Safer Cycling in a cycle lane, with concrete barriers to stop vehicles from straying.  

Pyrmont Bridge Road

Still in Development is the Pyrmont Bridge dedicated cycle lanes. This Road is mostly in City of Sydney However, the stretch between Mallet St and Parramatta Road is in Inner West Council where the cycle lanes were a part of the Parramatta Urban Renewal (PRUAIP, now split into Tech Central) and Westconnex Plans on closing of the adjacent Dive Site.
Pyrmont Bridge Road, Annandale - Westconnex Dive Site

Chester St at Pyrmont Bridge Rd

40k Speed Limit has been implemented on the Annandale, Inner West Council section of road.

PRUAIP-New cycleway from Parramatta Rd to Mallet St

PRUAIP Objective
Thumbnail Pyrmont Bridge Way Artist impression
Artist impression of new cycleway

The project seeks to improve the environmental qualities of the inner west and see the importance of achieving sustainability outcomes within the projects. The projects shall contribute to overall biodiversity outcomes, reduction of urban heat island, increased urban forest cover, improved air and water quality and other environmental opportunities that the project can provide. The PRUAIP is a NSW State Government, $198 million initiative under the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Program....
Rozelle Public Domain Masterplan
The Recommendation to put  the Draft Masterplan on Public Exhibition was on the Agenda of Inner West Council Meeting 8 August 2023, at item 8, but Labor Councillors used their majority to block exhibition. Minutes of meeting

Billions have been spent on Westconnex, Rozelle Interchange and Iron Cove Link. The Western Harbour Tunnel is adding to the bill though very little thought has gone on cycling, walking and public transport to realise the benefits of these new roads. The projects have also taken their toll on the tree canopy and habitat in the Inner West and across Sydney. The Exhibition of the Draft Rozelle Public Domain Masterplan - Community Consultation addresses this.

 Figure 5: Photomontage of the proposed changes to Victoria Road looking east to the City. (draft master plan)

Inner West Council Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP)

"The purpose of this Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is to inform Inner West Council’s (Council) commitment to best practice asset management and provide principles for sound asset investment decision making in its transportation network.

The TAMP documents the overall integrated planning framework to guide and improve Council’s long-term strategic management of its roads, paths, kerbs, bridges, traffic management devices and street furniture in order to cater for the community’s required levels of service into the future as detailed in Section 3.6 Level of Service....

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 

Facilitates the adoption of nationally consistent road rules in
NSW, the Australian Road Rules. It also makes provision for
safety and traffic management on roads and road related areas
including alcohol and other drug use, speeding and other
dangerous driving, traffic control devices and vehicle safety

Roads Act 1993 

Sets out rights of members of the public to pass along public roads, establishes procedures for opening and closing a public road, and provides for the classification of roads. It also provides for declaration of the RTA and other public authorities as roads authorities for both classified and unclassified roads, and confers certain functions (in particular, the function of carrying out roadwork) on the RTA and other roads authorities. Finally it provides for distribution of functions conferred by this Act between the RTA and other roads authorities, and regulates the carrying out of various activities on public roads."...

Source: Page 29 of 52, Transport Asset Management 

Condition Assessment Report, Inner West Council




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