Planning in the Inner West
Council has halted all work on the housing studies in Dulwich Hill, Marrickville and North Ashfield, following a unanimous Council resolution at the Council meeting on 13 September to halt the process.
Councillors played no role in the preparation of those studies and were not briefed on them prior to their release.
Council is waiting for advice from the NSW Government on how the government’s mandated housing targets can be considered across the whole LGA not just in these three locations. (viewed 24 Sep 2022 11.10)
- Council Planning means the environment of buildings - the interface if you will - not the buildings themselves
- The team seemed unaware that 7* energy rating was adopted for building in the new Australian Building Code
- Where are the masterplans - town planning for the context in which these buildings will sit.
- There were two NOMs on the agenda raising concerns with the community consultation and Councillors and Officers were being wiped out of the process by the way the work was consolidated - two parts of Marrickville, Marricville Station, Dulwich Hill Station and the northern side of Ashfield Station + Heritage across the LGA!
Spinifex Density is not a dirty word – unless you’re protecting your privileged patch Philip Bull, Civic Assessment 16 hours agoUpdated 17 mins ago [viewed 27 Sep 2022 10.48am]
The Offending Resolution of Council 13 September 2022
C0922(1) Item 45 Mayoral Minute: Local Environment PlanThat Council:
1. Defer all further consideration of and consultation on the LEP in order to obtain written advice from the Office of Local Government as well as independent legal advice, explaining how Councillors should manage potential conflicts of interest relating to the process. This should include advice about if and how a local government area wide LEP process could allow all councillors to participate in the LEP process; and
2. Note that the LEP studies that have been released were prepared by consultants and that Councillors had no role in the preparation of the studies and were not briefed on these studies prior to their publication and that no further work will be undertaken on these studies or the related consultation while Council is awaiting advice from the Office of Local Government.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Nil ((viewed 24 Sep 2022)
NOMs for more community consultation on Agenda Council Meeting 13 September 2022
Item No: C0922(1) Item 25
Subject: Notice of Motion: Our Place Inner West LEP consultation
From: Councillor Justine Langford
That Council:
1. Extends the date for public consultation for Our Place Inner West LEP by one month, from Sunday 25 September to Sunday 25 October, to give residents more time to participate in the planning process;
2. As a matter of courtesy, send letters of notification to residents in streets where increased growth or heritage conservation is being proposed. These letters would explain the rationale for the proposed changes and how the changes may impact the households they are addressed to and how residents can have their say on recommendations;
3. Letterbox an explanatory flyer to residents in Marrickville, Dulwich Hill and North Ashfield in community languages, including maps of affected areas, dates for public meetings, online webinars and website details for Have Your Say;
4. Run an additional series of online webinars and drop-in sessions, for those who may have missed out;
5. Provide hard copy documents of all plans for viewing at all Council libraries;
6. Ensures that any public meetings for residents are held prior to the deadline for consultation and are well promoted across all of Council’s communication platforms and accessible; and
7. Ensures online seminars are run in a transparent manner, and any questions asked by residents are available for all participants to view.
Council has recently exhibited the plans for Our Place Inner West – Dulwich Hill Station and Village, Marrickville Station & North Ashfield uplift areas. The Local Environmental Plan (LEP) is about our community and planning for our future, including creative precincts, infrastructure, affordable housing, open space, tree canopy coverage, biodiversity and promoting environmental and design excellence.Council needs to ensure that all residents are properly consulted, with plenty of time to consider these proposals and provide input. Many residents are feeling very upset and poorly consulted about the proposed re-zoning of these areas. Many residents didn’t receive a letter or any notification from Council advising them that their home was proposed to be rezoned. Many residents are elderly, do not use the internet, have English as a second language and have limited physical access to attend meetings.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
---Second NOM---
Item No: C0922(1) Item 30
Subject: Notice of Motion: Community Consultation for Inner West Local Environmental Plan Phase 2B
From: Deputy Mayor Jessica D'Arienzo
That Council:
1. Note the engagement plan tabled and adopted at the August 2022 Council meeting;
2. Extend the survey consultation period for an additional 4 week period;
3. Schedules additional meet the planner drop-in session (in person) and public community forums; and
4. Ensures opportunities beyond Marrickville, Dulwich Hill and North Ashfield are examined and a holistic approach is taken to planning for the Inner West.
The community engagement and consultation process is an iterative process. The community have requested additional time to digest and analyse the technical studies exhibited and provide their feedback.
The meet the planner drop-in sessions enable useful engagement directly with council’s planning staff, additional drop-ins should be scheduled to further facilitate these opportunities to communicate with the community.
The imperative is to engage with the community and allow their feedback to influence the planning outcomes.
The Local Environmental Plan (LEP) that we eventually adopt is much more than the housing targets, it’s about our community and how to plan for our future creative precincts, infrastructure, affordable housing, open space, tree canopy coverage, biodiversity and promoting environmental and design excellence.
Officer’s Comments:
No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
Nil. (viewed 24 Sep 2022)
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