Reenactment of the Rum Rebellion

Higinbotham & Robinson & Higinbotham & Robinson.
[189-?], Camperdown Parish of Petersham
Higinbotham and Robinson, Sydney
viewed 10 March 2024

Aiming to get a 26 jan reenactment of the Rum Rebellion in "Camperdown" which was the catalyst and somewhat ironically is now part of Annandale (eastern side of johnston creek).

George Farwell's play The House that Jack Built is about the Rum Rebellion lead by our own Captain Johnston but, on all acounts orchestrated by Macurthur against Governor Bligh. 

HV Evatt has written about the Rebellion"Evatt was invited to give the Macrossan Lecture in 1937. His topic was William Bligh and the lecture later became his famous book Rum Rebellion." - [Law] Review Essay

The ABC has done a Radio version of the Play - extract from copy of play in State Library of NSW of publisher Heineman Educational Australia Pty Ltd
Camperdown was named by Bligh after his ship (of Fletcher Christian "Mutiny on the Bounty" Fame) 
According to Wikipedia, Christian was portrayed in films by:
  • Wilton Powers in The Mutiny of the Bounty (1916)
  • Errol Flynn in In the Wake of the Bounty (1933)
  • Clark Gable in Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
  • Marlon Brando in Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
  • Mel Gibson in The Bounty (1984))
Annandale was named by Johnston after his home in Scotland. He died in 1820s and his second son, ROBERT, inherited his property (as the eldest son had died in 1823) 'Notice, £2 reward : all persons are hereby cautioned against Trespassing upon this property ... / Robert Johnston.1 june 1854'

A Brief History of Camperdown

Marghanita da Cruz

In 1805,the Governor’s Road Committee listed 10 bridges on the Parramatta Road, "as this road was a vital food supply route", from Johnston's Creek (Annandale), to A'Beckett’s Creek (Parramatta), to the following specification
"16 feet wide with Four Sleepers of at least a foot and a half in diameter, either of ironbark or blue gum, bedded on timber of the like dimensions, to be covered with three inch planks, 16 feet long and properly secured by treenails of 1 1⁄2 inch diameter (DMR 1976)." -Timber Beam Bridges Study of Relative Heritage Significance of RTA Controlled Timber Beam Road Bridges in NSW 2000 (1.1MB PDF viewed 20 Feb 2012)

Origin of the name Camperdown

In 1797, Bligh captained the HMS Director in the Battle of Camperdown against the Dutch...

etching of a mans head and shoulders
Captain William Bligh
(State Records NSW, Reel 2786)

1835 Map

July 1835 Map show Bligh's grant, Johnston's Creek and "new turnpike" on Grosse Farm (Glebe) Parramatta Road upto George Street.
Digital Order No. a928466
Call No. M2 811.182/1835/2
Online at the State Library of NSW at;

Camperdown Land Grant

Camperdown, from the Eastern bank of Johnston's Creek to Parramatta Road was granted to William Bligh by Governor King on August 10, 1806.

The Rum Rebellion

By 1800 Johnston was commanding officer of the NSW Corps. When Bligh threatened six of his officers with treason, Johnston responded by leading the Rum Rebellion against Bligh who "needed to be removed from office for his own safety and for the good of the Colony"

Two years later, when Bligh as Governor, threatened to charge members of the NSW Corp with Treason. Johnston lead a mutiny and arrested Bligh, on 26 January 1808 and administered the colony until 28 July.

On the 26 January 1808, Lieutenant Colonel George Johnston arrested Governor Bligh and assumed Lieutenant Governorship. He administered the colony until 28 July 1808 - ....

A Brief History of Camperdown


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