The Rum Rebellion 2025: V1. Pemulwuy vs Macarthur

Illustration displayed shortly arrest of Bligh 26/1/1808, SLNSW

On Australia Day, the 26th January 1808 a Military Coup took place. The NSW ex-Marine Corp were cebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Colony at Sydney Cove/Warrang, when they arrested the Governor.

Engraving of Pimbloy(Pemulwuy). Published 1804? SLV

In January 1788 the first fleet, with its convict cargo, anchored in Botany Bay. The Bay had been recommended by Cook(possibly at Bank’s prompting) as suitable for a penal colony. In April 1770, Cook named the Bay after the abundance of Sting Rays he found there. But  changed his journal entry to Botany Bay.

The leadership, of the First Fleet, found the Bay unsuitable for settlement and, after further investigation, chose Port Jackson. Cook had also described the Port. Doctor John White’s journal1 notes, the alternate place was picked for its source of water. But maybe, no inhabitants were seen in the hot January Sun and the inhabitants may have thought the fleet had left. Inhabitants are noted crossing the Port at night.

Grant to Bligh in 1836, since 1995 part of Annandale. Digitised by SLNSW

Land Grants & Creeks from Mitchell Maps, SLNSW

White’s Journal records plants and animals like the ‘Great Brown King's Fisher’, now known as a Kookaburra, and a Seahorse. He also learnt about spearing (in favour of death penalties). In 1929 the Windsor and Richmond Gazette ran an article, which noted that White studied medical as well botanical usefulness. Further that he made use of his discoveries amongst his unfortunate patients. While White’s Journal was published, a manuscript and drawings, he sent to a botanist, was not.
The Austalian Dictionary of Biography dates Pemulway’s birth as 1750. It seems likely he  was aware of Cook’s ship and landing party. In May 1801, Governor King (Bligh’s predecessor) issued an order, to shoot Aborigines near Parramatta, Georges River and Prospect. In November, he outlawed Pemulwuy and offered a reward for his capture dead or alive. In June 1802, King covering letter to Banks said 'a terrible pest to the colony, he was a brave and independent character' and 'Understanding that the possession of a New Hollander's head is among the desiderata, I have put it in spirits and forwarded it''. With an inflicted Clubbed left foot, Pemulwuy may have been marked as a carradhy(clever man).
Convict Rachel Turner was assigned to White, as a housekeeper. But he was the father of her baby girl and boy. White returns to England, marries and has three other children.His son Andrew, with Rachel, also returns and joins the Royal Navy. 

1-13 Parramatta Rd, Annandale. 26 Jan 2025

In the colony, Rachel marries Thomas Moore and they become one of the wealthiest couples in Sydney.
White had received a land grant of100 acres and a further 30 acres of adjoining land. In 1822, he sells land to Edward Redmond. There is a Redmond Street in Leichhardt over White’s Creek from a Macquarie Street in Annandale. Maps show a Mary Moore also has a landgrant closeby. She may have inherited the land from White, whilie taking her step-father’s name. Rachel dies before Thomas. The couple have no children but have amassed wealth and land. Andrew returns to NSW when his father dies in 1823.
Macarthur, Johnston and Macquarie fought in the American War of Independence as salaried Marines. The War also saw Slave labour replaced with convict labour. Macarthur, went onto half pay and explored rural life with a wife in devon. But returned to full pay and duties in April 1788. Arriving in the 2nd fleet, as a liutenant with a wife and baby. This Fleet has been dubbed the “death fleet”. Macurthur clashed with all the Governors who he felt were ‘an impediment to Capitalism’ even Lieutenant-Governor Grosse, who established military rule, abolished civil courts, and made generous land-grants to himself and his officers. Governor King sent Macarthur to England, to face a court-martial. But in England, Macurthur’s Wool growing success, was of more interest, than any military misdemeanors.

In 1811, Johnston faced a Court Martial in England. pages 284/5 of Proceedings of a general court-martial held at Chelsea hospital : which commenced on  May 7, 1811 and continued by adjournment to 5th of June following for the trial of Lieut.-Col. Geo. Johnston, Major of the 102d Regiment, late the New South Wales Corps, on a charge of mutiny ... for deposing, on the 26th of January, 1808, William Bligh ... /​ taken in short hand by Mr. Bartrum. National Library of Australia (viewed 6 February 2013) The Surveyor- General of the Colony  testified.2

"Do you know of any other ground, cleared at Government expense, being granted to Gov. Bligh?

There was a piece of ground, but I think that was cleared by Gen Grose, I do not apprehend it was cleared by Government; it was cleared prior to my coming into the colony.

From Grant to Bligh in 1836, since 1995 part of Annandale. Digitised by SLNSW

Where was that - Within about two miles of Sydney, on the Parramatta road, called the Orphan Ground.

Was that ground marked out by Gov. Phillip as the Orphan Ground? - Certainly it was, for the schoolmaster; there was the church land and schoolmaster's.
Is it a large piece? 

Annandale Bridge
I think it is 1000 or 1500 acres the whole, but it has been dividied into a variety of parts since.

But that of Gov Bligh's? That of Gov. Bligh’s is not large, I think it must be under 100 acres; it is but a small tract of ground.

Examined by the Court.

Do you know for what reason Gov. Bligh deprived Mr McArthur of his leashold?

No, I do not.” 

By the time of the Trial (Court Martial), Johnston had 5 children with convict Ester Abrahams. They married in 1814. 

After the death of his elder brother and father, Robert returned to NSW but clashed with his mother. Ester was represented by Wentworth. It wasn’t until Wentworth’s death, in 1872, that the North Annandale Estate was sold to Young. Johnston had tried subdividing and selling the estate in 1855, possibly after his mother died in 1846.

Bridge over Johnston Creek
Andrew and Robert  may have been the first to be born in the Colony to join the Royal Navy. Robert Johnston was in  Royal Navy campaigns against Spain. Andrew in the 1815 Battle of Waterloo. ABBA won the Euovision contest in 1974, with  their song Waterloo, held in Bighton, UK and visited Sydney in 1977.

Macarthur and Bligh may have served concurrently in Gibralter. Bligh was also a naval officer. He served in the battle of Camperdown, against the Dutch. He named his landgrant Camperdown. 

Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025
Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025

The RAN was not created until 1909, after Allen Taylor of Annandale, had raised enough funds to buy a Dreadnought Ship for the Royal Navy.
The donors did not want their money back. It funded the Dreadnought Scheme  which promoted and assisted British youths  to come to Australia to provide labour on farms. 

Bligh did not bring his wife to his appointment in NSW. He brought his eldest daughter, Mary Putland, with him. Johnston took his eldest daughter, Julia, with him to England for the Court Martial Military Trial.

Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025

Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025

Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025
Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025

Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025

Cahill St Playground, 26 Jan 2025


Post Script 

In 1995, a part of Camperdown became an extension of Annandale. This “triangle” is bounded by Booth St which becomes Mallet St at Pyrmont Bridge Road, Parramatta Road and Johnston’s Creek.

The Westconnex Dive site is located in the triangle. Cahill St Playground is also located in what was formerly known as Camperdown. There are now duplicate addresses in Chester Street and Booth Street, Annandale.


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