Energy policy framework exhibition now closes 29 January 2024

Energy policy framework exhibition now closes 29 January 2024

The energy policy framework includes guidelines that will provide communities, councils and the energy industry with clearer guidance on how the impacts of renewable energy projects and transmission infrastructure will be assessed and managed. 

The framework also includes measures to ensure regional communities benefit from the transition to renewable energy, as well as tools for landowners who are thinking about hosting development.

Energy policy framework

Providing greater clarity, consistency and transparency for the energy industry and communities

Update to map in draft Wind Energy Guideline

We have updated the 'Suitable areas for wind energy development' map in the draft Wind Energy Guideline to clarify that all of the mapped areas are suitable for wind energy development. The map shows varying levels of suitability within the most desirable areas of the state. This is based on technical, economic and environmental factors.


Wind Energy Guideline

Revised guidance for onshore wind energy projects including updated technical supplements for visual and noise impact assessment.


Transmission Guideline

Guidance for large-scale transmission infrastructure for landscape and visual impacts and other assessment issues.


Solar Energy Guideline

Updates to the existing 2022 guideline to align with the benefit-sharing guideline and new work on decommissioning.


Benefit-Sharing Guideline

Guidance for benefit-sharing with communities and creating planning agreements for large-scale wind and solar energy development.


Private Agreement Guideline

Guidance and a template for landowners entering into host or impact agreements.

Read our guide to the energy policy framework (PDF, 3.3 MB) to find out more about each policy.

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Evaluating and tracking impacts of neighbourhood batteries


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