Evaluating and tracking impacts of neighbourhood batteries

Evaluating and tracking impacts of neighbourhood batteries

Community Batteries: when they’re the best option for overcoming grid constraints. And when they’re not  June 5, 2023 by Bjorn Sturmberg, Alice Wendy Russell, Hedda Ransan-Cooper, Louise Bardwell and Marnie Shaw https://energypost.eu/community-batteries-when-theyre-the-best-option-for-overcoming-grid-constraints-and-when-theyre-not/  

Evaluating and tracking impacts of neighbourhood batteries

"Executive summary
This report presents the ANU neighbourhood battery impact framework. This framework was primarily developed for government organisations, to guide
the evaluation of government-funded neighbourhood battery projects and programs.
In Australia, significant government funding for neighbourhood battery projects in recent years presents an opportunity to develop business models that not only stack up economically (currently a challenge), but also deliver on broader policy
targets to decarbonise the economy while keeping energy affordable.

Early and ongoing evaluation of projects is essential for achieving this and also for guiding the policy settings that support best outcomes".....

"Evaluation is particularly important for neighbourhood batteries because:
a) they are sited close to where
people live, and can thus be expected to have distinctive social impacts, both positive and negative
b) they are part of a broader
transition happening with rooftop solar and electrification, and their impacts will influence this process and its outcomes
c) Most of the batteries being rolled
out from 2022 onwards are majority government funded"..https://bsgip.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/NBI-Impact-and-Evaluation-Framework-Policymakers-Version.pdf

Project Overview Duration: Phase 1 two years, 2021-2022 Budget: $400,000 Project leads: Marnie Shaw, Research Lead, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program and Hedda Ransan-Cooper, Social Science Research Lead, Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, ANU. Partner: Victoria State Government Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Neighbourhood batteries are a nascent technology poised to contribute significantly to energy system transformation in Victoria and Australia more generally. Neighbourhood batteries are defined as having capacity in the range of hundreds to thousands of kW and being located in front of the meter, that is between households and the electricity grid. Interest in this form of energy storage is stimulated by the challenges of integrating increasing distributed energy resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar, into a centralised grid, and the concerns of households, communities and governments in relation to energy security and climate change".....



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