Report on Cycling Infrastructure Signage, Designation and Enforcement (5 Dec 2023 Council Meeting)

albion st, annandale,NSW
Turner, ACT

Addendum 8/6/2024 Photos
David St, Turner, ACT

Castlereagh St, Haymarket, NSW


Carrington Rd, Marrickville

Booth St, Annandale, NSW














Update:Draft Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 5 December 2023  

C1223(1) Item 22 Cycling Infrastructure Signage, Designation and Enforcement

Motion: (Stephens/Griffiths): That Council receive and note the report.

 Motion Carried: For Motion:Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil

Amendment (Da Cruz/Shetty): That Council allocate $80,000 in the 2024/2025 budget to a bicycle infrastructure audit and consult the Bicycle Advisory Group on what is to be audited and how before commissioning the audit.

Motion(amendment to fund audit) Lost: For Motion [amendment]: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Drury, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis  

Against Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Griffiths, Howard, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias 


Item No:  C1223(1) Item 22

Subject: Cycling Infrastructure Signage, Designation and Enforcement           

Prepared By:      Manod Wickramasinghe - Traffic and Transport Planning Manager  

Authorised By:  Ryann Midei - Director Infrastructure


That Council receive and note the report.


This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan:

2: Liveable, connected neighbourhoods and transport



At the Council meeting held on 8 August 2023, Council considered a Notice of Motion regarding cycling infrastructure signage and enforcement, and it was resolved:

1.       That Council provide information on the website clarifying enforcement of moving bikes and cars on footpaths and roads is with NSW Police and parked bikes and cars, trailers etc is with Council.


2.       That Council provide more training to front line service request staff and the online systems to refer calls about moving bikes and cars to police.


3.       That Council receive a report at the November 2023 meeting on:


a)      Regulatory cycling signage and markings for Roads and Paths [requires investigation by officers; and

b)      cost and scope to undertake an audit of Cycling Infrastructure and Routes including safety, signage, road markings, shade and crash barriers etc. 

[see 8 August 2023 Notice of Motion regarding cycling infrastructure signage and enforcement at]


This report responds to point 3 of the resolution.


Regulatory cycling signage and markings


Regulatory requirements related to cycling on public roads and paths within NSW are outlined in the NSW Road Rules. Information contained within this report are sourced from Cycleway Design Toolbox: Designing for Cycling and Micromobility released by Transport for NSW, Australian Standard AS1742 series, Austroads Guide to Road Design, Cycling Aspects of Austroads Guide.


There are specific rules, guides and responsibilities for bicycle riders which is outlined by the NSW Road Rules for bicycle riders. These include riding in mixed settings with motorised traffic and within Shared paths and footpaths.


A list of public cycling facilities and a list of the regulatory and warning signs and linemarking required for cycling paths on the road or related areas are tabled in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 respectively.


Audit of Cycling Infrastructure and Routes


An audit of existing bicycle infrastructure currently within the Inner West LGA would comprise of the following scope:


·    Undertaking an audit of existing bicycle infrastructure within the Inner West, compliance to guidelines and best-practice

·    Include both on-road and footpath facilities (including those within reserves and land managed by State Government)

·    Compliance to regulatory signage and linemarking requirements, safety issues, bicycle parking, and connection to other transport modes.


A study paper undertaking an audit for the above scope by an external consultant is estimated to be in the order of $80,000 (ex GST).


It is worth noting Council’s Cycling Action Plan from the Inner West Cycling Strategy completed earlier this year does not include any audits on existing active transport infrastructure.


Council will be undertaking high level reviews of routes as part of the ongoing development of the Cycling Action Plan; detailed reviews will then be undertaken as part of individual cycling route upgrades.




There are no financial implications associated with the recommendations of this report however if an audit of existing bicycle infrastructure be required, it is estimated a budget allocation of  $80,000 (ex GST) would need to be considered as a part of the budget planning process for the 2024/2025 financial year.





Public Cycling Facilities


Regulatory and Warning Signs for Cycling Paths



Council Meeting 5 December 2023 Agenda (viewed 29 Nov 2023)



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