Cycling Infrastructure Signage, Designation and Enforcement - deferrerd to August Meeting

Update: After negotiation Council Resolved a clearer motion last night (8 Aug 2023)

  1. Council provide information on the website clarifying enforcement of moving bikes and cars on footpaths and roads is with NSW Police and parked bikes and cars, trailers etc is with Council.
  2. Council provide more training to front line service request staff and the online systems to refer calls about moving bikes and cars to police.
  3. Council receive a report at the November meeting on 
    • Regulatory cycling signage and markings for Roads and Paths [requires investigation by officers]
    • cost and scope to undertake an audit of Cycling Infrastructure and Routes including safety, signage, road markings, shade and crash barriers etc.

Item No:    C0623(1) Item 26

Subject:     Notice of Motion: Cycling Infrastructure Signage, Designation and Enforcement           

From:         Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz  


1. That Council write to Transport for NSW seeking clarity on the meaning of road markings and signs, in particular, is the Booth Street separated lane at Whites Creek a bike path or bike lane?

2. That Council notes City of Sydney describes them, as a cycleway – for use of bicycles only. e.g., Bourke St cycleway is a bike path.

3.That Council bring back a report of the cost and scope to undertake an audit of Cycling Infrastructure and Routes including safety, signage, road markings, shade and crash barriers etc.

4. That Council seek clarity whether Council or the police have the delegation to enforce laws and regulations related to cycling (and rolling) including why did council or police not take quicker action including inspection, liaison and an emergency detour.

 5. That Council notes the large embedded energy amount of rare materials and road space of electric cars compared to that of bicycles and other small rolling devices. So, Council should give them higher priority.


On Saturday 20 May there were reports to Facebook that a vehicle was obstructing the separated cycleway on Booth St Annandale on the curve at the Bridge over White’s creek. See Twitter post

The vehicle was reported to police and had been there since Thursday morning. The police promised to tow it away on Sunday. Following further reports to Council, the vehicle was still there on Tuesday evening.

Council arranged for our contractors were eventually to tow the vehicle out of the lane on Wednesday. This occurred after further phone calls to Council. Some damage to the concrete forming the separated cycleway was reported.

We need clarity of jurisdiction between police and council for dealing with vehicles in on road cycle lanes and where bicycles can be parked.

 Road Markings

Car obstructing “Cycleway” which prompted this NOM.
Photo Robert Moore, May 2023



From NSW Government Website: Bicycle lanes and shared paths

Know the difference between bicycle lanes, bicycle paths and shared paths in NSW. Take extra care in these areas.


Bicycle lanes

Bicycle lane sign
Sign indicating bicycle laneBicycle lanes are designed for bicycles.

and road markings show you where they are.

When a bicycle lane is marked on the road, bicycle riders must use it, unless it’s not practical to do so.

Bicycle lane ends sign
Sign indicating end of bicycle lane



Bicycle lanes start with either a sign or a road marking with both a picture of a bicycle and the word ‘Lane’.

Bicycle road markings are displayed along the bike lane to remind drivers and bicycle riders to stay within their lanes.

A bicycle lane ends with a sign or a road marking with a picture of a bicycle and the words ‘Lane end’. A bicycle lane also ends at an intersection (unless it’s at the unbroken side of the continuing road or continued across the intersection by broken lines) or at a dead end.

You can drive in a bicycle lane to avoid an obstruction. You can also drive in a bicycle lane for up to 50m to:

    • enter or leave the road

    • overtake another vehicle turning right or making a U-turn

    • enter a lane from the side of the road.

If you need to drive in a bicycle lane, take extra care and check your surroundings for bicycles.

Bicycle path sign
Bicycle path sign

Bicycle paths

Bicycle paths are different from bicycle lanes. It’s optional for bicycle riders to use a bicycle path.

Sign indicating shared path for bicycles and pedestrian useBicycle paths start with a ‘Bicycle path’ sign or a road marking. They run alongside a road or on off-road areas.

Bicycle paths can also be used by:

  • people using skateboards, foot scooters and rollerblades
  • people who use wheelchairs or mobility scooters
  • Bicycle path ends sign
    Bicycle path ends sign
  • postal workers on motorcycles.

Other vehicles can only drive on a bicycle path if they’re entering or leaving a road, or if there’s a sign saying they can. When driving on a bicycle path, you must give way to all other road users on the path.

Shared paths

Shared paths can only be used by bicycle riders and pedestrians.

Bicycle lane shared sign
Sign indicating shared path for bicycles and pedestrian use

On shared paths, bicycle riders must:

  • keep to the left (unless it’s not practical).
  • give way to pedestrians. This means slowing down and even coming to a stop if necessary. 
  • keep to the left of any oncoming bicycle rider.

Riders of skateboards, foot scooters and rollerblades must:

  • keep to the left
  • give way to all other pedestrians.

Source (viewed 23 Oct 2023)

Officer’s Comments:

No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.





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