Inner West Business Awards

2023 Inner West Business Awards (10 May 2023)

Inner West Council is a major sponsor of the Inner West Business Awards along with BigClean and Nova Employment. Burwood and Strathfield Councils also support the event along with WhiteKey Marketing and Radio 2RDJ with the Commonwealth Bank - Small Business being the presentation partner. Corner Stone and Western Sydney Express also in the mix.

The most impressive aspect of the event is the diversity of business owners who make the choice to give up their time, get dressed up and have a night out at the Burwood RSL with their teams - some generation family businesses.

Votes Open: 5 February 2023 Votes Close: 8 March 2023 at
Presentation Date: 10 May 2023
There were 31 Awards distributed between the sponsors.
 20,000 of the Businesses in the Inner West LGA registered for GST in 2019.

In 2019  there were 66,000 ABNs registered in the Inner West LGA, 22,446 registered for GST, including about 800 Cafes/Restaurants.

The Australian Business Registry is a database on all businesses who have registered for an ABN.

The data is freely available to Councils and can be aggregated and filtered by various categories and mapped.

Anyone can look up details of the holder of an ABN at
At the National local government conference in 2021(ALGA) the Australian Business Number (ABN GST Registration) showed there was an increase in the number of Australian business numbers (ABNs) from 60,000 to 73,000 in the #innerwest over the last two years. There was a huge diversity of business   - with every Industrial category represented.
The Best Restaurant Award went to Corinthian Rotisserie Restaurant in Marrickville. In January, the Greek Herald proclaimed "The Australian Prime Minister’s favourite restaurant in Marrickville is Greek". An outstanding restaurant - good service, good food and what the late night economy needs. Catch a concert at Marrickville Town Hall followed by Supper at Corinthian Rotisserie Restaurant!
Many other businesses across the Inner West LGA entered and won their Award Category. 
A special congratulations to all small businesses who help make the Inner West the place it is. Check them out at



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