ALGANGA21 - Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly

Indigenous Voice

The proposals for an Indigenous Voice would provide a way for Indigenous Australians to provide advice and input on matters that are important to improve their lives....

Close the Gap

NACCHO is the national peak body representing 143 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) across the country on Aboriginal health and well being issues. It has a history stretching back through nearly five decades, to a meeting in Albury in 1974...

Inner West Businesses

There was an increase in the number of Australian business numbers (ABNs) from 60,000 to 73,000 in the #innerwest over the last two years. Huge diversity of businesses

 Product Stewardship Centre of Excellence (UTS)

Product stewardship is all about manufacturers, importers and retailers taking responsibility in designing-out waste, making products more durable, repairable and recyclable and providing customers with easily accessible and affordable options for disposing their product at the end of its life.

— Rose Read, Product Stewardship Centre of Excellence

Electric Vehicles

HYUNDAI Iconic - Electric Vehicle was on show - it 2019 it was the Nissan Leaf


