National Waste Report 2022

The National Waste Report was published on 13 December 2022.

National Waste Report 2022

The National Waste Report 2022 report:

    provides data and information on Australia’s waste generation, recovery and fate for all waste streams and various material categories
    analyses this information by state and territory and on a per capita basis
    presents new data for FY 2020–2021, FY 2019-20 and updated data for earlier years.
        This supersedes previous publications and means that the values in the 2022 report may differ from those published for that year in previous reports
    Implements for the first time in a national report the Australian Standard for Waste and Resource Recovery Data and Reporting.

Download the Report

    National Waste Report 2022 (PDF - 6.47 MB)
    National Waste Report 2022 (DOCX - 13.6 MB)

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The Context

In late November 2028 The RedCycle Scandal broke...

Between 28 November and 2 December 2022 there were intergovernmental negotiations for the Plastics Treaty (INC-1) in Uruguay and online.

16 Dec- Cop15: Australia, US commit to measuring value of nature and reflecting it in national accounts..

The Conversation: Why collect this waste separately?

Published: December 16, 2022 6.07am AEDT:"The rationale for diverting organic waste from increasingly limited landfill space is clear. Collecting this waste separately reduces landfill impacts and costs, while delivering other environmental benefits"....

 National Waste Report 2022 At a glance
In 202021 Australia produced an estimated 75.8Mt(million tonnes) of waste (
2.95t/capita) which included (25.2+14.4+12+7.4+5.8+5.7+2.6=73.1Mt)

  • 25.2 Mt of building and demolition materials, 
  • 14.4 Mt of organics, 
  • 12.0 Mt of ash,
    7.4 Mt of hazardous waste (mainly contaminated soil),  
  • 5.8 Mt of paper and cardboard,  
  • 5.7 Mt of metals and 
  • 2.6 Mt of plastics.

Extracts from National Waste Report 2022



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