Recap on Road Safety in the Inner West (LGA)

Parramatta Rd, Annandale

Recapping on road safety in the Inner West.

Balmain Peninsular has had a blanket 40k speed limit on their roads forever.

Parramatta Rd, Annandale

There are also several High Pedestrian Activity Areas, with 40k speed limits, which were implemented by Leichhardt Council - Booth St, Annandale; Norton St, Leichhardt and Styles St, Leichhardt. 

Numerous 40k School Limits apply across the State including in the Inner West LGA including on what are 50 and 60k roads outside the School Zone hours. For example on Fort St High, Parramatta Rd and Annandale Public on Johnston St.

Parramatta Rd, Stanmore
State Roads (Parramatta Rd, Victoria Rd Rozelle, Liverpool Road, Ashfield, City West Link, Haberfield/Lilyfield, Crystal St and Stanmore Rd, Petersham) in the LGA have a 60kmph speed limit. There are parts of City West Link which had and have a speed limit of 70kmph. There are footpaths and even shared paths adjacent to these roads.

Johnston St., Annandale

The speed limit on some State Roads has been reduced to 50kmph (eg Darley Rd, Leichhardt, Johnston St, Annandale and yet to be implemented Frederick St, Ashfield after a Pedestrian was killed on the crossing at John St)

Nelson St, Annandale at Parramatta Rd

The speed limit on other roads and laneways in the Inner West remains at 50kmph despite approval been given to reduce the speed on local residential roads to 40kmph.

Footpath, Annandale

The wisdom emerging is that 30kmph is a safer speed to implement and there have been calls for this to be implemented on roads which are shared by buses, trucks, cars, bicycles and posibly other mobility devices. 

speed hump driveway commuter carpark, Ashfield

We have footpaths on most of our streets but not our laneways, so pedestrians only come into conflict with others when crossing a road or driveway.

But some footpaths are narrow eg the new shared path along Parramatta Rd Ashfield between Orpinton and  Bland Sts. 

Parramatta Rd, Ashfield

Pedestrian Crossing driveway commuter carpark, Ashfield

Pedestrian Refuge, Crystal St, Petersham

Edwin St, Croydon
"Research shows 30km/h speed limits on local residential streets could reduce the Australian road death toll by 13%. The economic benefit would be about A$3.5 billion every year. " -Busted: 5 myths about 30km/h speed limits in Australia, Published: May 20, 2021 5.56am AEST

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