Monitoring Zero Waste at Inner West Council 28 Sep 2021:Questions on Update on Waste Strategy
28 Sep 2021:Update on Waste Strategy
A)the baseline data for the waste streams identified in report;
The baseline data for the Zero Waste Strategy was from 2015/16 as this was amalgamation year. Data will be compared against this baseline in quarterly corporate reporting.
B)Litter to include Dog Poo and Cigarette Butts;
Litter includes a range of items including cigarette butts as detailed in the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 – Stage 1 2021-27. NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041
C)Investigation of Drop off for small items eg x-rays through product stewardship/EPA schemes at community centres/libraries/service centres as well as businesses;
IWC is currently looking to implement a range of collection/ drop-off opportunities to improve accessibility – an update will be provided in due course.
D)Education to include Avoid and Reuse; and
This is included under the priority of ‘avoiding waste generation’ and initiatives will include education and opportunities for repair and reuse. (e.g. waste avoidance and reuse education, repair workshops, reuse centre, communications etc)
E)Baseline, targets and progress to be reported and easy to find on website;
We will be reporting on targets corporately – I understand these will be published on council’s website. We can also provide a snapshot of how we are tracking on the resource recovery webpages also.
F)Where each kind of Waste is processed - noting earlier resolution that none is incinerated
Noted – Council motion re incineration. This has also been communicated to SSROC in relation to joint procurement (that IWC will not participate in regional tenders for incineration of waste).
Now that the strategy is adopted we will be adding this information to the website (resource recovery pages).
- Garbage > Veolia at Woodlawn. Some recovery
- Recycling (yellow and blue) > Visy. Separated into material type and sent to market for reprocessing into new items (steel, aluminium, paper and cardboard, plastics by type and glass)
- Food organics . Earthpower at Camelia. Creating green energy and soil conditioner.
- Garden organics > Veolia. Use to create compost and mulch
- Clean-up > Bingo. Post sort to recover metals, timber, organics etc.
- E-waste > Tekflow (EPR scheme)> broken down into material components (plastic, glass, metals etc) and on-sold to markets.
G)Use of Recylced Materials in council construction projects and other activities
Council endeavours to use recycled material in capital projects and continues to seek out opportunities to do so. Recent examples include the use of recycled timber on the façade of Marrickville Library, and the “Paving the Way” project.
‘Paving the Way’ is a regional project that aims to create a market for challenging recycled materials. Stage 1 involved a regional tender to use recycled crushed glass as a sand replacement. This aims to create a market for around one-third of council domestic glass collections by replacing natural sand with recycled crushed glass (RCG) in road construction. Stage two will be commencing shortly focussing on rubber/plastics. IWC’s civil works, sustainability and procurement were involved in this work to ensure that recycled materials could be used in civil works and infrastructure projects.
H) Council operations waste streams including parks, community centres, offices and construction
Council operational waste streams are recycled or reused where feasible including:
- Food waste from offices is composted onsite or uses Council’s FOO service
- Recyclables such as paper, plastic, metals are recycled using a standard recycling service
- Single use plastics have been removed from office activities
- Waste streams from community centres are small and intermittent, but users are generally provided with standard recycling and garbage bins. For events that might generate significant waste, users are asked to remove their own waste for recycling.
- Waste collected from rubbish bins within parks is disposed to landfill. Provision of recycling in parks has been considered but was not feasible as there is typically an extremely high level of contamination in public bins. This causes significant problems at the downstream recycling plant.
- Garden organics from pruning within parks and other gardens is generally composted, while wood waste is used as mulch.
- Council’s construction waste is recycled and reused where feasible. It is standard practice for construction contractors to recycle hard waste (bricks, concrete etc) where feasible as this is cheaper than landfilling. Council also endeavours to re-use materials to avoid wastage. Recent examples include the preservation of wooden flooring in parts of the Marrickville Library, or the retention of existing building structures at Haberfield Library and Tom Foster Community Centre.
- The library collections unit generates waste from incoming books, however a project has been undertaken with the main supplier which has reduced packaging waste. Old books that are being cycled out of the library’s collection are returned to the main supplier (regardless of their original source) and are donated to charity.
Oh yes and carbon emissions from disposal of our waste
Community The Inner West community carbon inventory follows the Global Protocol for Community- Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC). In the baseline year 2016-17, greenhouse gas emissions from waste is 5% of total emissions.
Corporate: The Inner West Council corporate carbon inventory follows the Climate Active Neutral Standard. Council’s activities generate approximately 22 kilotonnes (kt) of CO2-e each year. The vast majority relates to the consumption of fuel, gas and electricity, which together accounts for over 93% of emissions. Greenhouse Gas emissions from waste from Council operations is 1% of Council carbon emissions.
From this page it is not clear what goes into blue or yellow bin in Leichhardt LGA
The information is relevant to the whole LGA so lists all of the recycling items accepted and then the suburb related information identifies that the blue bin is for paper and cardboard.
Have we had an update from epa about Leichhardt lga co-mingling?
"The NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy did not provided any guidance or opinion on commingled v additional source separation (like Victoria did).
IWC is planning to proceed to align recycling services to commingled recycling (one yellow lid bin – 240L) in the near future."
NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041
Stage 1 2021-27. NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041