Item No: C0921(3) Item 6 Subject: Zero Waste Strategy Targets/ Council Meeting Agenda TUESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2021

Questions and clarification, including basedline at

Item No: C0921(3) Item 6 Subject: Zero Waste Strategy Target

RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council note the short and long term targets under the Zero Waste Strategy


On 3 August 2021, Council resolved to;

3. Receive a report on the short and medium term targets under the strategy and plan for ensuring Council will monitor achievement of these interim targets. 

The table below details these targets with some examples of the actions that will be undertaken to reach them:



Targets (Strategy targets highlighted)







Medium-Term 2026-2030



Avoid waste generation








Reduce waste landfilled per resident by 10% by 2025

Reduce waste landfilled per resident by 25% by 2030

Reduce waste landfilled per capita by 50% by 2036

·      Tonnages of kerbside waste and recycling.

·      Kerbside bin audits (every 3-4 years)

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.

·      NSW WARR data return.

·      Summer Hill Reuse Centre - Green Living Centre, The Bower and Reverse Garbage

·      Supporting and promoting waste avoidance, reuse, and recycling to minimize waste

Reduce organic waste








100% households have access to a food recycling by 2025

Reduce food and garden organic waste disposed in landfill by 60% by 2030


·      Tonnages of kerbside waste and recycling.

·      Kerbside bin audits (every 3-4 years)

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.

·      NSW WARR data return.

·      Increase participation and recovery from food recycling service for apartments

·      Implement FOGO (food and garden organics) service for all households

·      Engage residents with food waste avoidance and home composting initiatives

Recycle and buy recycled

















Divert 20% of recyclables from the garbage by 2025

Divert 40% of recyclables from the garbage by 2030

Divert 60% of recyclables from the garbage bin by 2036

·      Council $ spend on sustainable products/ recycled content.

·      Tonnages recycled materials e.g., recycled crushed glass as sand replacement

·      Kerbside bin audits (every 3-4 years)

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.

·      NSW WARR data return.

·      Align residential recycling services to commingled recycling and increase education and information reducing contamination and increasing recovery.

·      Monitor sustainable procurement (recycled content and recyclable at end of life

Problem wastes






















Ban televisions and computers from landfill by 2025 (via council services)

Increase recycling of televisions and computers by 40% by 2026

Increase recycling of televisions and computers by 80% by 2036

·      CRC & Drop-off tonnages

·      Kerbside bin audits (every 3-4 years)

·      Clean-up audits (ad-hoc)

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.

·      NSW WARR data return.

Reduce the amount of hazardous waste presented in the garbage by 10% by 2025

Reduce the amount of hazardous waste presented in the garbage by 25% by 2030

Reduce the amount of hazardous waste presented in the garbage to 50% by 2036

·      Kerbside bin audits (every 3-4 years)


·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.

Reduce illegal dumping by 10% by 2025

Reduce illegal dumping by 25% by 2030

Reduce illegal dumping by 50% by 2036

·      Incidences illegal dumping

·      Tonnages illegal dumping

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.

·      NSW WARR data return.

·      Implement and promote booked clean-up services (discourage dumping)

·      Offer and promote services available to residents for collection and drop-off of problem wastes

Collaboration and advocacy















Identify product stewardship schemes to align to council services by 2025

Access to product stewardship schemes by 2030


·      # product stewardship schemes

·      Tonnages processed via PS schemes (where available)

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.


Information on IWC waste flows within 3 months of each new contract.



·      Material stream information updated on website - # web hits

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report.


·      Collaborate with all levels of government, regionally and with industry to work towards a circular economy.

·      Regularly update and review resource recovery information available to community

Reduce litter

























Reduce plastic litter by 30% by 2025


Reduce litter by 60% by 2030



·      Litter collected in GPTs (kg)

·      # Coffee swap and go and cafes participating

·      # eligible containers collected via IWC Return and Earn collection points

·      Tonnages collected in litter bins

·      Tonnes collected from street sweeping

·      Corporate quarterly and annual report

·      Cooks River Litter Strategy


·      2021-22 Deliver 2 return and earn collection points for the recycling of eligible containers in public places

·      Intra-council collaboration to tackle litter and prevent it entering waterways (avoidance/reusables, education, empowerment, infrastructure, and enforcement).

·      Coffee cup swap and go


The Zero Waste Strategy is embedded into the operational budget funded through the domestic waste management charge.



Source viewed 29 Sep 2021:


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