sorter of co-mingled yellow bins going out of business

The sorter of co-mingled yellow bins going out of business.
Noting that the former Leichhardt Council area has yellow and blue bins (separating containers from paper) while the Marrickville/Ashfield areas have co-mingled yellow bins and differing associated charges.

At opening of St Peters Community Recycling Centre
"Inner West Council said it was investigating its "future recycling requirements" and looking to consolidate processing contracts for three areas within its boundaries." -Sydney recycling plant to shut as market prices collapse, costs soar,SMH,

The above article also notes the funding provide by the NSW Government to  keep the plant open "The closure comes three years after the plant received a $5 million grant from the NSW government to help pay for installing equipment that processes mixed plastics. Polytrade also received another $5 million in 2017 for a glass facility in Sydney."

"The Waste Levy is imposed on councils and it pulls in more than $700 million each year." - Councils claim government pockets millions as garbage crisis worsens By David Sparkes on AM Broadcast: Thu 17 Oct 2019, 8:02am

Also worth noting is the success of return and earn which also helps with the processing - separation of materials to produce high quality recyclable resource. 
The lack of markets for this resource are another issue along with the responsibility of the producer (rather than consumer) of the material - extended producer responsiblity.
Coke for example, is using recycled plastic bottles which it imports from Taiwan....

Burning waste to generate energy

"Cleanaway Waste Management has revealed plans to develop a massive waste-to-energy plant in Western Sydney, a move the company insists will help put Sydney’s rubbish to good use, but is likely to reignite the debate over the merits of burning rubbish to produce electricity."

The three areas of the Inner West Council have quite different Domestic Waste Charges.


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