Sustainability at Leichhardt Market Place
The shopping centre has recently installed a pulping system to convert foodscraps (from the foodhall) into a slury which is then transported to the Sutherland shire where a Biodigester converts the slurry into fertiliser pellets and electricity.
More about this process of food scraps to energy:
- The organic pulp is a suitable feedstock for anaerobic digestions, generating biogas for renewable energy generation. In addition, we also take the pulp to an organics recycling facility where it is turned into organic fertiliser. The organic product created from Pulpmaster plays an important role in the life cycle of healthy, organic crops by improving soil conditions and nutrient levels...
- “Pulpmaster tanker trucks collect the waste when the tank is full.“The tanker trucks then deliver the waste to Cronulla Wastewater Treatment Plant... More details on how fruit and vegetable waste is being converted to power
- Sydney Water has started a waste-to-energy trial using food waste sourced locally to power Cronulla Wastewater Treatment Plant.... Utility first food waste to energy plant opens,
- More on Sydney Water "trial is being conducted to use fruit and vegetable waste at its
Cronulla Wastewater Treatment Plant, and in collaboration with the
University of Wollongong, an innovative research project is being
undertaken at the Shellharbour Wastewater Treatment Plant, investigating
other food waste sources which can be used to generate additional
renewable energy production."..History of wastewater treatment in Sydney
Sydney Water Corporation,
Card Board Compactor |
Small Truck emptying Return and Earn |
1. Get a refund
2. Earn Woolworths cash refund
3. Choose a charity to donate your refund to
The Return & Earn machine can be found at Foster Lane, Leichhardt. Recycling bay parking is available.
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