Shopping Trolleys

Shoppers who walk to supermarkets are faced with the challenge of getting their shopping home.

Some supermarkets double cross their walking shoppers by locking their trolleys beyond the Cash Register leaving pedestrians to deal with a load of shopping.

Other supermarkets allow shoppers to take the trolleys further afield but are tardy in the collection of these trolleys. 

Inner West Council is proposing to adopt a policy to encourage Supermarkets to collect these shopping trolleys in a timely manner and possibly come up with other solutions for their customers. 

From the Agenda of TUESDAY 28 MAY 2019

Item No: C0519(2) Item 4
Subject: Draft Impounding Policy and Protocol (Shopping Trolleys)           
Prepared By: Graeme Palmer - Parking and Ranger Services Manager  
Authorised By: Harjeet Atwal - Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services


THAT Council:

1. Adopt the Impounding Policy (Shopping Trolleys);
2. Rescind the former Ashfield Council Shopping Trolley Policy; and
3. Receive and note the Impounding Protocol (Shopping Trolleys).

Robot Delivery - 2019 Smart Cities Conf
The Draft Impounding Policy has been placed on public exhibition and is now presented to council for endorsement.

The adoption of the Policy will provide Council’s Ranger Services with a framework to conduct pro-active education/enforcement programs that focuses on problem areas. A standard condition will be imposed on new Development Applications/major modification of Development Applications associated with shopping centres, supermarkets and major retail outlets (bottle shops, hardware etc) which use trolleys. The standard condition will require shopping centres, supermarkets and major retail outlets to provide a Shopping Trolley Management Plan.


Robot Delivery - 2019 Smart Cities Conf
Should enforcement action be taken by Council’s Ranger Services in accordance with the Policy, external contractors would be required to facilitate the physical collection of the trolleys. This has been quoted at $150.00 + GST per individual trolley collected, if large volumes and/or complexities are involved in the collection, then this will be discussed with the contractor and each required impounding will be quoted individually. This would require a budget increase to cover the costs of the impounding contractor; however any expenditure may be recuperated via impounding fees and charges.

Inner West Council Impounding Policy (Shopping Trolleys)
Inner West Council Impounding Protocol  (Shopping Trolleys)

Full Agenda and how to Register to Speak at a Council Meeting at:


  1. Council Officers report that Ashfield Mall and Coles have been positive and supportive of the community's need for better trolley collection. Coles are rolling out GPS trackers and have brought their trolley collection funtion inhouse which has seen significant improvements.


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