Sportsfields Synthetic vs Natural Turf

May be a graphic of text
Contracts Register

Maintaining Sports fields.

Maintaining Sports Fields

Often the poor state of sports grounds is believed to be solved by converting to Natural Turf ground to Synthetic Turf.

But Sports Grounds in Australia are built on flood (now inundation) prone land.

  • Using Waterfront Oval as a case study. It had $382,250 worth of work in 2018("Inner West Council contracts can be found at the links below. There are three types of contracts listed in the register – Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3."
  • located on the callan park waterfront it is affected by rain (as are the Tempe Fields)
  • should synthetic turf be laid,for soccer?
  • holes on sidelines appear to be for cricket wickets. 
  • carparking and roads also need to be maintained (more kids are running around and mixing with cars than at schools - should there be a Special speed limit or car exclusion zone?

May be an image of text that says "July 2017 Number Contract name Contract Description Contract T/24/17 Payment Contract Enmore Park Upgrade Construction Services Successful Option Contract Details T31-17 Open Tender Lump Sum Blackmore Oval weeks Contract n/a Wetland Improvement Construction Mack Civil P/L Services $784957.88 Stormwater Harvesting Project 05/03/ Open Tender Lump Sum n/a weeks Optimal Stormwater P/L Construction Camperdown Park Seating Picnic Area Upgrade Services Open Tender Lump T33-17 16.5 Sum n/a weeks Roof Repairs Roof Repairs Haberfield Library Services Regal Innovation P/L $535,523 Ex.GST Open Tender Lump Sum T17-17 weeks n/a Waterfront Drive Sporting Constructions $164819 Services Murphy's Remedial Building P/L Open Lump weeks"


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