Waste Education (Motion for National General Assembly June 2024)
Bins Macquarie Uni |
Motion: (Da Cruz/Stamolis)
- That Council notes the considerable dissatisfaction in the community about the rollout of FOGO.
- That Council review the Domestic Waste Charge in time for adoption of new fees on 1 July 2024.
Paper Recycling Bin Macquarie Uni |
Package labelling |
Polystyrene on Road verge |
Inner West Council Kerbside Domestic Waste Collection |
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Shetty and Stamolis
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Howard, Lockie, Scott, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulia
C0324(1) Item 38 Notice of Motion: Waste Education (Motion for National General
Motion: (Da Cruz/Griffiths)
1. That Council endorse the following motion to be submitted to the 2024 National General Assembly:
This National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to urgently standardise Bins and include funding for education in schools curriculum and to councils for education in the community (at work and play) about key components of the waste strategy such as what goes into the different coloured kerbside bins but also more generally, where and how the content is processed and other initiatives the Government is taking to reach a circular economy with regard to domestic waste.
2. That the first sentence of the Summary of Key Arguments be amended to read: “The ongoing rollout of FOGO, which is a State and National initiative, present challenges for local council and communities.”
Motion Carried.For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias Against Motion: Nil
Source: Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 5 March 2024 https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2024/03/C_05032024_MIN_4097_WEB.htm
Completed National General Assembly Proposed Motion |
Item No:C0324(1) Item 38
Subject: Notice of Motion: Waste Education (Motion for National General Assembly)
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
MOTION: That Council endorse the following motion to be submitted to the 2024 National General Assembly:
This National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to urgently standardise Bins and include funding for education in schools curriculum and to councils for education in the community (at work and play) about key components of the waste strategy such as what goes into the different coloured kerbside bins but also more generally, where and how the content is processed and other initiatives the Government is taking to reach a circular economy with regard to domestic waste.
The national objective and summary of key arguments is outlined in the attached completed
National General Assembly Proposed Motions template.
Officer’s Comments: No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.
1.⇩Completed National General Assembly Proposed Motion
Senate Inquiry into Waste reduction and recycling policies
wastemanagementreview: "A Senate inquiry will examine the effectiveness of the Federal Government’s waste reduction and recycling policies in delivering a circular economy.
Submissions are currently being taken and will close on 15 April 2024"... https://wastemanagementreview.com.au/inquiry-probes-nations-waste-reduction-and-recycling-policies/
South Australian Government submission
"A Senate Committee of the Australian Government, the Environment and Communications References Committee, is undertaking an Inquiry into the waste and recycling industry in Australia.
This includes issues related to landfill, markets for recycled waste and the role of the Australian Government in providing a coherent approach to the management of solid waste.
More than 50 written submissions had been made to the Inquiry and the date for the Committee to report had been extended to 13 June 2018.
The South Australian Government has made a submission that addresses each of the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference and states that the Australian Government should take a stronger coordination role.
Sustainable waste management across Australia requires the resolution of a range of complex issues faced by the industry.
The Australian Government has a critical role to play in addressing matters that cannot readily be tackled by any State acting alone to achieve coherent, efficient and environmentally responsible approaches for solid waste management.
The South Australian Government submission is available as #36."
APH: Inquiry into Waste reduction and recycling policies
"On 28 February 2024, the Senate referred an inquiry into waste reduction and recycling policies for inquiry and report by 22 November 2024.
The closing date for submissions is 15 April 2024.
With the following terms of references:
The effectiveness of the Albanese Labor Government’s waste reduction and recycling policies in delivering a circular economy, with reference to:
(a) recycling export regulations imposed through the Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020, noting the:
(i) ramifications for Australia’s international and domestic commitments and
obligations under the Act,
(ii) benefits and consequences of imposing the requirements on the Australian industry, and
(iii) interaction and efficacy of the community and economic benefits of the
(b) the efficacy and progress on circular economy deliverables;
(c) the progress on the implementation of mandated product stewardship schemes; and
(d) any other related matters."
Source (viewed 15 April 2024): https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Environment_and_Communications/Wastereduction
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