Early Morning Walk(s) through Rozelle Parklands (12 April 2024 updated 15 April)

Early morning walk along the re-opened path through "Rozelle Parklands".
May be an image of 1 person, chicken sandwich and hat
Is grey in mulch, along Parrammatta Road, asbestos? Photo 2024
As I did not have phone or camera with me photos are of the parklands and asbestos in Mulch issue  at other times.
The path from the Rozelle Light Rail station was open so in we went.

The mulch has been replaced with Woodchips and the section around the Victoria Road underpass may become a tropical paradise with all the palm trees. They reminded me that palm trees cant be mulched and this was the perfect solution. 
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The Crescent Rozelle 2024
Learnt of the difficulty of getting rid of palm trees when Transport for NSW tried to once palm (sorry about pun) on Leichhardt Council.

Sadly, there isn't much local provenance vegetation with another favourite planted - Queensland Plume Grass.
The path goes under Victoria Road - where once micro bats roosted.
Despite being early morning the traffic noise was pretty bad - hope they put up some sound walls.
It would be nice if Easton Park was connected to the Parklands and Pedestrians and cyclists did not have to dodge cars.
The Interpretive signage next to the bike path was interesting to read. The captions on the photos were a a bit difficult to read as the were white on blue in very small font.
Great there are toilets/change rooms but watch out for cyclists as pedestrians need to cross their path to get to the loo. The toilets/changerooms are quite old fashioned (except for one accessible cubicle) in not being individual unisex cubicles opening to a common area and being gender specific at a sports ground where only one gender plays at a time and they can't use the the toilets or changeroom. No showers.
The vent near Lilyfield Road is pretty noisy too.
public wandering the grounds of derelict powerstation
White Bay Power Station open day 2011
Though still a construction site - when work is finished access to the White Bay Power Station from the path could be nice. The aspect of the power station and proximity was a surprise.
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Cyclist Route Directions
The markings on the Paths changed sometimes peds and cyclists travelling in the same direction shared, sometimes cyclists and pedestrians had to check which side of the path white line was marked for them at the start. Sometimes cyclists are on one side sometimes on the other and the path is mostly just gray with white lines. No destination signage
The city of sydney mulch was replaced with mulch on the Annandale/Glebe Point Foreshore.
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Annandale Borough Minutes, State Record NSW
PS: It does bring easton park very close, by foot, to Annandale. We have lost Buruwan Park but I think the old (pre railyards) Gordon St has been reimagined as a path to the Rozelle Bay light rail stop. Unfortunately Buruwan park was still legally a road. 
May be an image of ‎5 people, people smiling, scooter, bicycle and ‎text that says "‎rastconnex Connex Stage 3 WE'RE NOI GOING SWALLOR وطة‎"‎‎
Rally Buruwan Park, 15 Feb 2019. Photo Tony Grech
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Glebe Point 2024
May be an image of motorcycle, scooter, road and text
at Rozelle Bay Light Rail station
PPS. 1. While the Bins are subtlely colour coded red and yellow - it would help if they actually explained what went in each.

2. The mulch on the "landbridge" is leaking out as there is nothing to hold it back from draining out with the water.
3. Looked more closely the steps on western side of Victoria Road to parklands and underpass were fenced of (at bottom at least) but the ramp up to Victoria Road seemed open. No warning that there migt be pedestrians crossing the bike path if the were not actually on the side of the path marked randomly for bikes/ pedestrians/in a particular direction.
Bins Shopping Mall