Inner West council meeting Questions on Notice
Questions on Notice (QoN) for April 2024 Agenda, the next council meeting.
Questions on Notice
- Question 1. What were council CO2e emissions for 2022/23 and period 1 July 2023- 30 Dec 2023?
- Question 2. What were the sources and amount of CO2e emission from each for 2022/23 and period 1 July 2023- 30 Dec 2023?
- Question 3. What are council operations Scope 2 CO2e Emissions and to whom for 2022/23 and period 1 July 2023- 30 Dec 2023?
- Question 4. What % of materials has be reused, recycled and new materials have been used in our footpath for 2022/23 and will be used in 2023/4 renewal program?
Greenhouse gases reported under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme include:
Responsible Agency: Federal Gov Clean Energy Regulator |
- carbon dioxide (CO2)
- methane (CH4)
- nitrous oxide (N2O)
- sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
- specified kinds of hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons.
When estimating greenhouse gas emissions, reporters must use applicable methods under the NGER Scheme.
Types of emissions
There are 3 types of greenhouse gas emissions. Your reporting requirements under NGER may vary depending on the type of emissions.
Scope 1 emissions: "direct" emissions
Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions are emissions released into the atmosphere as a direct result of the activities at your facility. For example:
- emissions from the use of refrigerants in air conditioning units
- emissions from fuels used in transport
- fugitive emissions, such as methane leaks from coal mines
- production of electricity by burning coal.
Scope 1 emissions are also referred to as direct emissions.
Scope 2 emissions: "indirect" emissions
Scope 2 emissions for a facility represent the emissions that were released outside your facility boundary to produce the electricity that you imported into the facility and used. For example, a cement factory which uses electricity from an external electricity grid to run its business would report scope 2 emissions.
In this example, the emissions are directly produced by grid-connected power stations that burn fuel to create the electricity which is then supplied to the grid (and would be reported by these power stations as scope 1 emissions). The grid electricity used by the cement factory, and the associated scope 2 emissions, would be reported by the cement factory.
Scope 2 emissions are also referred to as indirect emissions.
Scope 3 emissions: broader indirect emissions
Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions other than scope 2 emissions. They occur outside of the boundary of your organisation as a result of your actions.
Scope 3 emissions may occur:
- upstream, such as the emissions generated in the extraction and production of fossil fuels
- downstream, such as the emissions from transport of your products.
Reporting emissions under NGER
You must report scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Scope 3 emissions are not reportable under NGER. However, you can use the National Greenhouse Accounts Factors to estimate scope 3 emissions.
You only need to report on activities if there is an applicable method in the NGER Measurement Determination.
"National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Quarterly Update: September 2023
Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: September 2023 (PDF 3.7MB)Green House NGERs to September 2023 Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: September 2023 (DOCX 5.3MB)Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: September 2023 Data Source (XLSX 5.2MB)
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- reducing carbon emissions by building a resilient circular economy
- managing the risks of problematic, harmful and unnecessary waste
- supporting councils and communities to safely manage waste
- improving our performance as a world class regulator."...
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