Trying to make sense of tomorrow night's Council Meeting Agenda items about Domestic Waste:

Progress report on the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2023/24 and Quarterly Budget Review Statement

"In the first 10 weeks of the FOGO service, the Inner West community successfully diverted over 3,300 tonnes of organic waste from landfill. This diversion from landfill has been an outstanding result for the environment with approximately 7,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions saved. This is equivalent to taking around 6,000 cars off the road for a year."  - Item No: C0224(1) Item 1 Subject:  Quarter two - Progress report on the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2023/24 and Quarterly Budget Review Statement

FOGO (Food Recycling) Update - February 2024

  • "Council commenced the FOGO food recycling service on the 9th October 2023 and as of the 5 February had collected over 6,106 Tonnes of FOGO in the first 17 weeks of the service. This equates to 12,822 tonnes CO2, equivalent emissions of taking 7,994 cars of the road."
  • "Inner West Council picks up approximately 178,000 bins per week across all waste streams and dwelling types. The implementation has required a realignment of our waste calendar to better align the new service, including the accommodation of the multi-unit dwellings being serviced weekly with garbage and FOO (food only) through the entire area. This requires adjustment for not only our waste collection staff and contractors but also residents."
  • "1.    Upsizing Red Lid Garbage Bins.  
  • To help assist residents who are struggling with a fortnightly collection of the 120-litre red lidded bin, Council is offered a 240-litre bin. Council has delivered 3,774 upsized 240-litre red lidded Garbage bins since FOGO commenced."
  • "2.    Booked Overflow Red Lid Garbage Bin Collection  Optimo, Council’s current booking system for clean-up bookings, has been active since 9 October 2023 to support residents that would like to book the alternate week collection. Council clean-up and extra red-lid bin collection - Inner West Council (
  • The booked system gives residents opportunity to adapt waste sorting behaviour before committing to an upsizing of bin. 1,200 bookings are available on each collection day and bookings are steady at around 85 per day (lowest 34 and highest 137 bookings on any day), equating to approximately 850 households using the service per fortnight."
  • "Council has been promoting access to the online waste calendar as the single source of truth for residents confirming their bin collection details, with the waste calendar pages receiving more than 320,936 views. This is now reflected in the number of residents presenting their red or yellow bin on the wrong week for collection which was reduced to less than 10% of households. This is being addressed through education to households via the collection crews and waste busters."
  •  "multi-unit dwellings being serviced weekly with garbage and FOO (food only) through the entire area."

Item No:  C0224(1) Item 16 Subject: FOGO (Food Recycling) Update - February 2024

Item No:              C0224(1) Item 16
Subject:              FOGO (Food Recycling) Update - February 2024           
Prepared By:      Helen Bradley - Manager Resource Recovery Planning
Authorised By:  Peter Gainsford - General Manager

RECOMMENDATION That Council receive and note the report.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE This report supports the following strategic directions contained within Council’s Community Strategic Plan: 1: An ecologically sustainable Inner West


Council commenced the FOGO food recycling service on the 9th October 2023 and as of the 5 February had collected over 6,106 Tonnes of FOGO in the first 17 weeks of the service. This equates to 12,822 tonnes CO2, equivalent emissions of taking 7,994 cars of the road.

The tonnages collected for the Month of December was 1,527 and January 1,862 which is greater than our modelling suggested of approximately 1,122 tonnes per month if we recovered half of the available food from the garbage bin.  

Inner West Council picks up approximately 178,000 bins per week across all waste streams and dwelling types. The implementation has required a realignment of our waste calendar to better align the new service, including the accommodation of the multi-unit dwellings being serviced weekly with garbage and FOO (food only) through the entire area. This requires adjustment for not only our waste collection staff and contractors but also residents.

Industry standard for missed bins is 0.5% of total services which would equate to approximately 890 missed for the Inner West each week. For the weekend ending 2 February Council has 419 missed services reported. Service data indicates that about 50% of these are not actual missed services, but residents reporting a missed service in the off week for garbage.

The number of weekly waste phone calls and customer requests are gradually reducing, and we are averaging about 269 calls per day in the week ending 2nd February from a peak of 800 per day in October 2023 to under 300 per day prior to Christmas (all waste enquiries and requests, not limited to FOGO). 126 of these calls were FOGO related, averaging 25 per day.

Council has been promoting access to the online waste calendar as the single source of truth for residents confirming their bin collection details, with the waste calendar pages receiving more than 320,936 views. This is now reflected in the number of residents presenting their red or yellow bin on the wrong week for collection which was reduced to less than 10% of households. This is being addressed through education to households via the collection crews and waste busters.

Frequently Asked Questions  

Other than missed bins which were discussed above, most requests are about;
1.    Upsizing Red Lid Garbage bins
2.    Booked Overflow Red Lid Garbage Bin collection
3.    Supply of starter kits and liners
4.    Community Education via waste busters   

1.    Upsizing Red Lid Garbage Bins.  
To help assist residents who are struggling with a fortnightly collection of the 120-litre red lidded bin, Council is offered a 240-litre bin. Council has delivered 3,774 upsized 240-litre red lidded Garbage bins since FOGO commenced.  

2.    Booked Overflow Red Lid Garbage Bin Collection  
Optimo, Council’s current booking system for clean-up bookings, has been active since 9 October 2023 to support residents that would like to book the alternate week collection. Council clean-up and extra red-lid bin collection - Inner West Council (

The booked system gives residents opportunity to adapt waste sorting behaviour before committing to an upsizing of bin. 1,200 bookings are available on each collection day and bookings are steady at around 85 per day (lowest 34 and highest 137 bookings on any day), equating to approximately 850 households using the service per fortnight.

3.    Waste Busters Waste Busters - Inner West Council (
The Waste Busters have started to contact households with contaminated/ rejected FOGO bins or presenting in the off week without a booking and lodging a missed service.  


 Rebate for Reusable Nappies

$30,000 was allocated by council resolution for the nappy and sanitary rebate which opened on 9 October to enable households to try subsidised reusable nappies or sanitary products and reduce the amount of garbage in their red lid bin. Residents buy the items of their choice and submit their simple application and their receipt to qualify for the rebate (up to $150 for reusable nappies and $100 for sanitary products).  

Inner West Council's Rebately | Reusable Cloth Nappies

On 29 January 2024, three hundred rebates had been claimed ($17,771 of $30,000 available);

·         Reusable cloth nappies – 73 claims to the value of $5,922.39
·         Reusable sanitary products – 227 claims to the value of $11,848

Adventure Kids Entertainment
have undertaken FOGO performances across the Inner West Primary schools and have booked in schools, inner West Early learning centres and libraries through to March 2024. Feedback has been positive with children loving the interactive approach and FOGO songs. Upcoming events are detailed below if Councillors wish to attend, please notify Helen Bradley who will inform the school and Adventure Kid's Entertainment on your behalf.

Primary Schools
·    St Peters Public School - Wednesday 14 February from 2:10pm to 3pm  
·    Globe Pre-School – Thursday 15 February 2024 from 10am to 11am
·    Yeo Park Public School – Tuesday 12 March 2024 from 2:30pm to 3:20pm

Inner West Early Learning Centres
·    John McMahon Children's Centre, Birchgrove - Wednesday 7 February 2024 from 10am to 11am
·    May Murray Early Learning Centre, Marrickville - Thursday 8 February 2024 from 10am to 11am
·    Tillman Park Early Learning Centre, Tempe - Friday 9 February 2024 from 10am to 11am

Inner West Libraries
·    Leichhardt Library -10 January 10:30-11:30
·    St Peters Library – 11 January 13:00 – 14:00
·    Ashfield Library – 15 January 10:30-11:30
·    Emanuel Tsardoulias Community Library Dulwich Hill – 13 February1 0:30-11:30
·    Balmain Library – 14 February 10:30-11:30

Compostable liner supply and delivery 

Council currently offers collection of compostable liners (bags) at Inner West Customer Service Centres and libraries.

An initial pack of 40 compostable liners was provided to FOGO households as part of the starter kit. Based on usage of 3 liners per week this is a 13 week/3-month supply to end December 2023.  

All single dwellings (approximately 50,000 houses) were delivered a roll of 75 compostable bags in December 2023. Based on usage of 3 liners per week this is a 25 week/6-month supply to May 2024.

Council officers are preparing options for Council's consideration for future supply of compostable bags noting below the current policy of Randwick and Penrith.

1.    Randwick Council currently offers 6 monthly delivery of bags and encourages residents to buy their own, use paper or go bag free in the interim Order new FOGO caddy liners - Randwick City Council (

2.   Penrith offers quarterly delivery (opt-in) and promotes pick up from council offices and libraries. FOGO FAQ - Penrith City Council (


Fully funded via Domestic Waste Budget for ongoing operational costs and implementation funded via the NSW EPA (Environment Protection Authority) Grant and any additional costs to the above budget will be funded from the Domestic Waste Reserve.



Item No:  C0224(1) Item 25

Subject:   Notice of Motion: Review Domestic Waste Charge          

From:                  Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz  MOTION

1.   That Council notes the considerable dissatisfaction in the community about the rollout of FOGO.

2.   That Council review the Domestic Waste Charge in time for adoption of new fees on 1 July 2024.


The following domestic waste management charges are current [for the Inner West Council] from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024:

·   Small garbage bin (less than 120 litres): $377.00 p.a.

·   Standard garbage bin (120 litres): $502.00 p.a.

·   Large garbage bin (240 litres): $753.00 p.a.

·   Vacant/availability: $251.00 p.a.

However, due to the implementation of the new FOGO service on 9 October 2023, Council has delegated the General Manager the authority to write off all fees in relation to requests to increase the size of any existing red-lid garbage bin to 240 litre or 120 litre within the Domestic Waste Management service, associated with the implementation of the food recycling program until 1 July 2024. viewed 1 Feb 2024

IPART Review Domestic waste management annual charges: “In line with OLG’s planned regulatory approach for DWM annual charges, we have decided that no limit is to apply to the amount by which councils may vary their DWM annual charges for the period from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.”

Officer’s Comments:

No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.



Item No:    C0224(1) Item 26

Subject: Notice of Motion: More Support for Food Recycling in the Inner West           

From:  The Mayor, Councillor Darcy Byrne and Councillor Mathew Howard  


 1.   That Council note that the new food recycling service has resulted in 5900 tonnes of organic material being converted to compost, instead of being dumped at landfill, which has resulted in a reduction of approximately 12,358 tonnes of carbon (Co2) emissions.

 2.   That Council Provide a new opt-in weekly red bin collection service for households that wish to access it. This service is to be provided on the following terms:

a)   households are able to register for the service once and then receive the collection on an ongoing basis;

b)   no fee is to be charged for the service for a period of 2 years with the necessity of the service to be reviewed in 2026; and

c)   commencement of the new service is to be as soon as possible.

3.   That Council authorise funding for the service to be drawn from Council’s waste reserve, with authority delegated to the General Manager to enter into any necessary contract with an external provider, to ensure expedited commencement of the service.

 4.That Council receive a report to the March 2024 Ordinary meeting on the commencement of the opt-in weekly red bin service and the outcome of any procurement process.


Food recycling in the Inner West is proving to be huge success with large-scale uptake across the community leading to very high tonnages of organic waste being recycled and the carbon emissions of the Inner West community being massively reduced.

Since the start of the new service in October we have diverted 5900 tonnes of organic waste to compost, instead of rotting in landfill.

The methane and carbon emissions saved from this is the equivalent of having taken more than 7000 cars off the road for one year.

This represents the single biggest contribution the Inner West community has ever made to reducing emissions and combating climate change.

Together, Inner West citizens have made this effort, to change the way we deal with waste, and the vast majority of households have adapted to the new system. Many local people are reporting that they are proud to be making a difference for our environment through food recycling.

Assistance for residents has included offering a free, larger 240 litre red bin, which 3600 households have taken up, as well as a free, additional red bin collection which residents can book online.

We committed in October to assessing the support being provided to households after the initial roll-out and to taking a pragmatic approach to ensure the ongoing success of food recycling in the Inner West.

While most households have successfully made the transition to food recycling, the roll-out has demonstrated that some residents are still finding the change challenging.

In particular, families with small children who need to dispose of nappies, and larger households with larger volumes of waste, have reported difficulty with adjusting to the fortnightly red bin collection.

To ensure the ongoing success of Inner West food recycling and that all local residents are receiving the service and support they need, Council should now provide further support in the form of an opt-in weekly red bin collection for households that need it.

Council officers estimate that if 15 per cent of households take up this new, opt-in service, the cost would be approximately $1 million per annum.

There are currently 2 appropriate Council vehicles available to provide the additional service as well as some staffing capacity.  

Inquiries by Council officers also indicate that, if needed, there is capacity from private providers to commence this service within a short timeframe.

Council should assess the demand for the additional, opt-in service and, if required due to capacity constraints, contract additional external provision, in order to make this support available to all residents who need it.

Officer’s Comments:

No further comments were required for this Notice of Motion.





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