Case for Deamalgamation

Inner West Public Hearings and written submissions

Written submissions are invited from members of the public. Submissions should preferably address one or more of the factors listed in section 263(3) of the Act and should identify if the submitter is a resident and/or ratepayer of the affected local government area.

Submissions can be made by email to or by mail to LGBC Executive Officer Locked Bag 3015, Nowra NSW 2541 must be received by COB 31 January 2024.

Inner West Public Hearings (6 Nov 2023) –

Inner West Council – Business case for de-amalgamation 

Extracts from LGBC (Local Goverment Boundaries Commission Analysis) by Deloittes

Deloittes analysis

Deloittes analysis

Deloittes analysis

Deloittes analysis















On 12 May 2016 the councils and local government areas(LGA) of Leichhardt, Ashfield and Marrickville were abolished and a new local government area of Inner West was proclaimed. 

Inner West LGA largely taking on the outer bondaries of these three LGAs - the border on the western edge was amended to put PLC girls school all in Burwood LGA. The school has subsequently purchased property in the Inner West LGA.

The Inner West Council was placed in administration, initially, and the Administrators report is available at

"NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s decision on Tuesday to dump six regional council mergers and push ahead with Sydney metropolitan mergers concludes another chapter in what has been a terribly managed process. Forcibly merging local councils was never going to be easy but former NSW Premier Mike Baird and Local Government Minister Paul Toole set in motion a sequence of events that further tarnished the public’s view of politicians, irritated councils and angered councillors, all while swallowing a huge amount of time, effort and mon"...Forced council mergers: How the NSW government got it so wrong

In September 2017, 15 Councillors were elected to the new council representing 182,043 people in 35 km2 (13.5 sq mi)[3].

"Workforce reform in three amalgamated councils 1 May 2019

The Inner West Council and the Snowy Monaro and Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Councils have all made progress towards efficient organisational structures following the amalgamation of their former council areas in 2016, according to a report released today by the Auditor-General of New South Wales.

All three councils are now operating with a single workforce and have largely achieved the milestones they planned for the first stage of their amalgamations. None have finished reviewing and aligning services across their former council areas nor integrated their ICT systems. They need to do this to be in a position to implement an optimal structure."...

Amalgamated Councils 

In Leichhardt LGA 12 Councillors represented 52,198 people 11 km2 (4.2 sq mi)

in Ashfield LGA  12 Councillors represented 41,214 people in 8 km2 (3.1 sq mi)

In Marrickville 12 Councillors represented  76,500 people in 17 km2 (6.6 sq mi)

May be an image of text

LGBC summary of key findings from Deloitte’s Analysis of the Financial Implications – PDF: 

"IWC’s cost base has increased by 27% relative to the former councils since merger. Despite c. three years of operating at a new baseline of harmonised service delivery (FY21 to FY23), it appears that IWC has not yet realised significant levels of economies of scale or net cost savings as a result of the merger."
IWC’s combined net asset position has increased by 60% or $1.1 billion at June 2023,
largely due to the revaluation of Council assets.
IWC has also undertaken investment
activities since 2016 which have contributed to the net increase in IPPE, funded by grants,cash reserves and borrowings, including:

o $85 million in funding secured from FY18 – FY22 for roads, footpaths and
stormwater drains;

o $65 million invested in parks and recreation facilities from FY18 – FY21;

o $46 million Ashfield Aquatic Centre Redevelopment (funded via TCorp financing
of $40 million)
(previously within Ashfield LGA);
o $7 million contribution to commencing the GreenWay central links, and $7.5
million to deliver the Urban Amenity Improvement Program (Parramatta Road and

o $40 million Marrickville Library upgrade
(previously within Marrickville LGA); and
o $76 million invested in properties ($55 million in FY23) which utilised funds from
the sale of Tempe Lands in FY20 (previously within Marrickville LGA)"...

Costs and Impacts of Amalgamation

  1. Limited Notification of Development (loss of planning alerts) - tech oned
  2. CRM is residential address based rather than asset/map based - tech one

  3. FOGO rollout to Houses (scheduled 9 Oct)was too big
  • staff who did not comprehend the Waste Calendar System
  • Did not know which houses had a Green Bin 
  • Failed to manage the collections
  • Underestimated the education demands
  • Underestimated the Waste Busters demand
  • Failed to comprehend the waste calendar for MUDs had changed with no notification to Residents or Owners 
  • question about number of houses - taken on notice 9 November Council meeting.

Costs of Councils (aka Municipal or Local Government)


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