NOMs on Pedestrian Safety Croydon Road, Frederick St and Marion St. (12 Oct 2017)

C1017 Item 14 Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Croydon Road, Croydon
Motion: (Da Cruz/Porteous)
1. Council through the Traffic Committee urgently convenes an onsite meeting with the local community, a school representative, members of the Traffic Committee and Ward Councillors at a time that school children are walking to school to observe and hear from the community and Councillors on what the key safety issues are and hear from Traffic Committee members on ways they could be addressed; and
2. A report be brought to the Traffic Committee and then to Council as soon as possible outlining proposals to improve the safety for school children and pedestrians on Croydon Road, Croydon. These proposals to include investigation on the installation of a pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures. The report should also provide a proposed timeline for works and proposed prioritisation of funding for the works.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Councillors Passas and Raciti

C1017 Item 15 Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Frederick Street, Ashfield
Motion: (Da Cruz/Porteous)
THAT Council write to the Minister of Roads Maritime and Freight requesting the urgent upgrade of the pedestrian safety facilities in Frederick Street Ashfield as outlined in the notice of motion
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil
Absent: Councillors Passas and Raciti
Councillor Julie Passas returned to the Meeting at 11:15 pm.
Councillor Vittoria Raciti returned to the Meeting at 11:15 pm.
Motion: (Macri/Byrne)
That Council investigates the removal of the advertising trailers on Frederick Street,Ashfield
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil

C1017 Item 16 Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety in Haberfield and Leichhardt
Motion: (Da Cruz/Stamolis)
THAT Council refer the following matters to the Traffic Committee for consideration:
1. Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming for the commercial areas approaching the intersection of Dalhousie and Ramsay Streets, Haberfield;
2. Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming on Marion Street at the intersections with Norton Street, Elswick Street and Flood Street, Leichhardt;
3. Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming on the approaches to the intersection of Flood Street and Lords Road, Leichhardt.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Nil

Minutes Council Meeting 12 October 2017 


Item No:         C1017 Item 14

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Croydon Road, Croydon 

File Ref:         17/4718

From               Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz  







1.   Council through the Traffic Committee urgently convenes an onsite meeting with the local community, a school representative, members of the Traffic Committee and Ward Councillors at a time that school children are walking to school to observe and hear from the community and Councillors on what the key safety issues are and hear from Traffic Committee members on ways they could be addressed; and

2.   A report be brought to the Traffic Committee and then to Council as soon as possible outlining proposals to improve the safety for school children and pedestrians on Croydon Road, Croydon. These proposals to include investigation on the installation of a pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures. The report should also provide a proposed timeline for works and proposed prioritisation of funding for the works.




A number of residents have contacted me concerned about pedestrian safety on Croydon Road. Croydon Road, Croydon is a busy road particularly before and after school. This makes it difficult and dangerous for children and other pedestrians who are walking to school, the railway station and bus stops.


There is currently a roundabout at Anthony Street – however, the design of the traffic islands at the roundabout with curved narrow slippery surface increases the danger to pedestrians.

There are narrow speed humps which have caused car accidents rather than safely calming motor vehicles.






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Council Meeting

12 October 2017


Item No:         C1017 Item 15

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Frederick Street, Ashfield 

File Ref:         17/4718

From               Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz  





THAT Council through the Traffic Committee urgently investigate and report on the significant safety risks at pedestrian crossings on Frederick Street with a particular emphasis on the Frederick/John St crossing and provide recommendations on how these risks can be addressed. These recommendations to include consideration of a reduction in the speed limit on Frederick Street and the introduction of traffic calming at the pedestrian crossings on Frederick Street as well as proposals to prevent vehicles overtaking cars turning right near the pedestrian crossings. The report should include a proposed timeline for works and proposed prioritisation of funding for the works.




A number of residents have contacted me regarding the danger of the pedestrian crossings on Frederick Street Ashfield, particularly the one at the intersection with John Street. This has been the site of numerous accidents and near misses when cars try to overtake other cars waiting to turn right into Frederick or John Streets.


There are a number of parks, the swimming pool, train station and school on the western side of Frederick Street. To access these, residents including children and the elderly need to negotiate Frederick Street.


Damage caused by car crashing into fencing

at JM McCarthey Playground at intersection

of John and Frederick Sts Ashfield





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Council Meeting

12 October 2017


Item No:         C1017 Item 16

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety in Haberfield and Leichhardt 

File Ref:         17/4718

From               Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz  





THAT Council:

1.   Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming for the commercial areas approaching the intersection of Dalhousie and Ramsay Streets, Haberfield;


2.   Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming on Marion Street at the intersections with Norton Street, Elswick Street and Flood Street, Leichhardt; and

3.   Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming on the approaches to the intersection of Flood Street and Lords Road, Leichhardt.




The approaches to the intersection of Ramsay St and Dalhousie St in Haberfield; Marion Street and Flood Street, Leichhardt and Marion Street and Norton Street, Leichhardt; and Flood at Lord Street, Leichhardt have high pedestrian activity.

Ramsay, Marion and Norton Street are busy motor vehicle thoroughfares and bus corridors, with commercial precincts used by less mobile elderly residents and children with and without carers.

Other areas of high pedestrian activity elsewhere on Norton Street, Leichhardt, on Booth Street Annandale and Darling Street Balmain/Rozelle which all now benefit from safer 40km speed limits.

Local residents and businesses have raised the following specific concerns:

a) Cars travelling south, narrowly missing pedestrians when turning west from Norton Street into Marion Street, Leichhardt.

b) Buses travelling north along Norton Street, clipping the footpath endangering pedestrians, including children heading for Leichhardt Public School, as they turn west from Norton Street

d) Drivers becoming impatient at the pedestrian crossings on the roundabout at the Lord's Road – described as “Road Rage”

d) Cars travelling along Marion Street screeching to a halt at Flood Street. There have also been animal fatalities at the intersection


e) Impatient drivers behavior described as “Road Rage” on Marion Street at Elswick Street intersection, endangering pedestrians.




