Councils and Communities Unite to Walk Against Domestic and Family Violence

The story of the Godwit Migration
Seeking Shade at the end of a hot walk

Councils and Communities Unite to Walk Against Domestic and Family Violence

Put your walking shoes on and join us as we walk in solidarity and take a stand against domestic and family violence!

Instagram Post

Police called Ambulance when one of the attendees suffered from the heat

Council Meeting 5 December 2023

Response to Questions taken on Notice from the Council Meeting
held on 5 December 2023

Question Response
Da Cruz
33 Notice of Motion: Cooling Centres
Q:Does Council have a climate
change adaptation plan?

A:Council does not currently have a climate change adaptation plan.

Work is underway to progress the Climate Change Risk Assessment which is the firststep in developing a Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
The Climate Change Risk Assessment will be completed by March 2024. This is the evidence base for a Climate Adaptation Plan which will follow – and will be reported to Council for exhibition in mid-2024.
The Climate Change Risk Assessment currently underway will:
Identify and assess the risks from climate change to Inner WestCouncil services, operations,assets, facilities and staff

Identify and assess material risks from climate change to the broader Inner West community

Prioritise climate risks requiringaction

Identify, recommend, and prioritise risk treatments

Include recommendations and processes to integrate with Council systems, processes, and plans
Once completed, the Adaptation Plan will include actions to ensure businesscontinuity for Council as well as ways that
Council can support the community to prepare for and respond to extreme weather events including heatwaves, floods, and severe storms.


C1223(1) Item 33         Notice of Motion: Cooling centres

Motion: (Scott/Stephens)

1.   That Council identify cooling centres within each suburb, create a list and publicise them on Council's website, media and social media, from December 2023 to February 2024, to be amplified on days above 40oC or when the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and NSW Health Air Quality Indicator is Poor or worse.

2.   That emergency contingency plans be established for late night opening of Council buildings in the event of the Bureau of Meteorology issuing a severe or extreme heatwave warning for the Inner West Local Government Area.

Motion Carried

For Motion:  Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:           Nil

Absent:                         Cr D'Arienzo

Councillor D’Arienzo was present during voting on the amendment in Item 33 but retired from the meeting prior to voting on the primary motion.

Amendment (Da Cruz/Atkins)

That Council develop a climate change adaption plan as a matter of urgency and clarify with the department of health about the education 
and emergency planning so, that we do not issue conflicting messages. 
They have a beat the heat information at 
Beat the heat (

Motion Lost

For Motion:  Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Lockie and Stamolis

Against Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Scott, Shetty, Smith, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Meeting closed at 11.06pm

Minutes of Council Meeting 



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