Biodiversity in the Inner West

Creation of Hot, Noisy Open Spaces

    May be an image of segway and street
    Renwick St and Lane, Plaza, Leichhardt
  • Parramatta Rod Renewal
  • Multi Unit Dwelling Development
  • Petersham St, Plaza, Petersham
    No photo description available.
    Path from Hay st, Leichardt.

Habitat destruction at Summer Hill to construct Greenway

  • Mature brush boxes cut down in Summer Hill
  • Habitat Clearing at Lewisham West Light Rail Station

Lungs of Leichhardt Community Group

Birdos walk on Saturday 18 nov.

No photo description available.
Habitat Destruction
"No Assessment or Consultation on Biodiversity Impact + Harm

Incredibly, despite local environmental experts recognising the importance of the habitat and biodiversity that will be threatened with rezoning – there was no environmental impact study undertaken.

The Inner West Council (IWC) concluded that “The proposed changes are unlikely to result in any adverse effects on critical habitat for threatened species and ecological communities.”
May be an image of street
Italian Forum - too hot to sit

However, they did NOT consult with experts or residents with local knowledge of native flora and fauna in these areas, nor did they conduct a biodiversity study of the area or ecological impact study of the proposed rezoning.

Before any decision on rezoning is made, there needs to be a comprehensive ecological impact study conducted to ensure that there is full understanding and awareness of the effects of rezoning on biodiversity, threatened species and ecological communities."...

Sydney cannit acheive 40% tree canopy if 40% tree canopy of R1 low density zoning is reduced to 25% tree canopy requirement of R3. As per Tree DCP.

It is worth noting new measure is deep soil but should the zoning change the deep soil requirements will be reduced?


We are also wondering what will happen to wildlife in Transition(where there is no Habitat).

Biodiversity conservation the framework for the conservation of biodiversity in NSW.

"The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and amendments to the Local Land Services Act 2013 commenced on 25 August 2017 to enable biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and productive farming.

The legislation is administered by the Environment, Energy and Science Group within the Department of Planning and Environment, Local Land Services and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust"...


Deep Soil

NSW Greener Neighbourhoods 

"Urban tree canopy and green cover plays an important role in creating healthy, happy and liveable neighbourhoods.

To help deliver a sustainable future for our city, the department collaborated with Resilient Sydney and councils to co-design a program to empower councils to create cooler and shadier neighbourhoods. The program provides updated data, financial support and policy guidance to councils to support strategic approaches to urban forest management.

A coordinated approach to planning for tree canopy and green cover is essential to achieving 40% urban tree canopy cover for Greater Sydney by 2036."

Blue Green Grid Strategy

Taverner’s Hill is not in the Blue Green Grid Strategy - it is part of the Greenway and is part of that Masterplan.

Gateway for Parramatta Road Renewal (PRCUTS) removed Iron Cove Creek Path from PRCUTS. That Master plan is on display 

"Iron Cove Creek runs approximately 3.5 km between Liverpool Road and Iron Cove, along the boundary between Ashfield and Croydon in its upper reaches, and between Haberfield and Five Dock in its lower reaches.

Inner West Council has developed a draft Masterplan for Iron Cove Creek and we are inviting the community to provide their feedback.

Last day to provide feedback is 8 December 2023."..


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