Deep Soil - Tree Canopy
What is a deep soil area?
A deep soil area is a soft landscape area on a lot with no impeding building structure or feature above or below, which supports growth of medium to large canopy trees and meets a 1 metre x 1 metre (1 metre squared) dimension. Deep soil areas exclude basement carparks, services, swimming pools, tennis courts and impervious surfaces.
What is a planting area?
A planting area is an area with a minimum soil depth and dimension of 1 metre that supports growth of medium to large canopy trees.
What is the difference between a deep soil area and a planting area?
The difference is that a planting area requires a minimum soil depth of 1 metre whereas, deep soil area does not.
What is canopy cover?
Canopy cover is the land area covered by tree crowns (branches, leaves, and reproductive structures extending from the trunk or main stems) from trees located within the subject site, excluding any area that falls
within an adjoining privately owned lot. It is calculated using the canopy width of a tree species at full maturity.
Where overlapping occurs between the tree canopies, the site’s total canopy cover is the total land area covered by tree crowns, not the sum of the canopy cover of each individual tree.
Table 1 (below) lists species of trees suitable within the City of Vincent, and provides information on the area of canopy cover provided by each type of tree at maturit" ...Information Sheet, City of Vincent
A coordinated approach to planning for tree canopy and green cover is essential to achieving 40% urban tree canopy cover for Greater Sydney by 2036.
Greener Neighbourhoods guide Deep Soil Targets
The late Ted Floyd author of Creekcare |
Creekcare Biocarbon Sinks by Ted Floyd (2013)
Rainfall absorbed by soils is pumped back into the atmosphere by plants. Transpiration is the movement of water from soils up the roots and stems of plants and then out into the atmosphere through small holes in the surface of leaves. Water movement up the roots and stems is essential to carry plant nutrients from soils to the growing points of the plant."...
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