Electricity Substations (heritage and not)

From the Agenda of Inner west Council 20 JUne 2023

Item No:         C0623(1) Item 15

Subject:         Inner West Heritage Program           

Prepared By:          Daniel East - Acting Senior Manager Planning  

Authorised By:       Simone Plummer - Director Planning






1.   That Council notes the update and progress on the heritage pubs project.


2.   That Council undertakes early consultation with residents regarding the residential component of the heritage program.


3.   That Council endorse the preparation of a draft Planning Proposal to amend the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022 for residential and substations Heritage Conservation Areas and Items. 





The purpose of this report is to outline the proposed Inner West Heritage Program including:  

·    the matters ready to progress as amendments to the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022 (Inner West LEP), and 

·    the future steps that are scheduled for commissioning from July 2023 onwards. 


Inner West Council is committed to protecting places of heritage significance. The Local Strategic Planning Statement and Local Housing Strategy contain actions requiring Council to review heritage significance across the LGA and inform amendment to the Inner West LEP and Development Control Plans. 


The heritage review commenced in 2021 and focussed on the southern area of the local government area (LGA) as large areas of the north of the LGA have heritage protection, for example, Balmain, Haberfield, Annandale. 


The review included heritage assessments conducted by independent consultants, GML Heritage, on Council’s behalf. Community feedback has provided further guidance to the scope. Collectively, the heritage program incorporates all GML Heritage recommendations and matters for consideration and will be progressed through future planning control amendments, including housekeeping matters as they arise. 


Current Activity

Current work proposes to amend the Inner West LEP by mid-2024. The matters included in this work are those where the level of detailed heritage assessment has occurred to fully inform the proposals. Outlined below is a summary of each of three themes – Residential, Substations and Pubs. Attachment 1 provides maps depicting the proposed LEP amendments relating to these themes.


Theme 1 - Residential  


The aim of the residential review was to identify areas and items of heritage importance and items in need of amendment. Analysis by GML Heritage identified several locations with heritage potential and undertook detailed assessment of these. Community feedback assisted in refining the scope, including the addition of two further HCAs and the modification to the boundary of another. 


The GML Study recommended the preparation of a Planning Proposal to amend Schedule 5 of the Inner West LEP to:

1.   Introduce nine (9) new Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs):

Petersham Hill, Dulwich Hill

Campbell’s Dairy, Dulwich Hill

The Parade, Dulwich Hill

Woodlands Estate, Marrickville

Terrace Garden Estate, Marrickville

The Warren Estate, Marrickville

David Street, Marrickville: ‘C66’ reorganised, extended and renamed to form: 

§ Marrickville Market Gardeners Estate, Marrickville

§ Shrublands Estate, Marrickville

Fredbert Street, Lilyfield.

2.   Extend three (3) existing HCAs:

Inter war group – three locations Hollands Avenue, Jocelyn Avenue and Woodbury Street, Marrickville: ‘C67’

Austenham Estate, Lilyfield: ‘C62’

Campbell Estate, Lilyfield: ‘C64’ and rename to “Campbell’s Broughton Estate” for clarity).

3.   Reduce three (3) Local HCAs (removal of some properties from each):

Rathgael Estate, Croydon: ‘C44’ - removal 6 properties

Ivanhoe, Croydon: ‘C42’ – remove 1 property

Fleet Street, Summer Hill: ‘C92’ - remove 1 property.

4.   Revise Local Heritage Item Listings for:

56 Liverpool Road (28 Gower Street), Summer Hill (Hospital and outbuildings, including interiors): ‘I1614’ - due to redevelopment of part of the property.

44-46 Smith Street, Rozelle (School, including interiors): ‘I1487’ - due to additions that have occurred over time and do not contribute to the heritage listing.

5.   Delist the following Local Heritage Items that no longer meet the threshold of listing based on their original significance:

40 William Street, Ashfield: ‘I409’

24A Railway Road, Sydenham: ‘I1750’

44 Wellesley Street, Summer Hill: ‘I1728’.

Attachment 2 provides a copy of the final Inner West Heritage Study – Residential (GML, May 2023) being the evidence base for a draft Planning Proposal. This is a refined version of the study that was exhibited in August 2022 and only contains content relating to the above scope.  The previous draft study included recommendations to amend the Inner West LEP and included several matters for Council’s consideration. The latter require detailed investigation before potential heritage protection can be validated. These latter considerations form the body of work detailed below under the Future Steps of this report.



The residential heritage matters outlined above formed a component of a consultation initiated in August 2022 which received some positive feedback from the community. It is proposed to restart early engagement for a further period of time in July 2023. If a favourable Gateway Determination is received from the Department of Planning for the planning proposal, a comprehensive statutory engagement program will be undertaken including letters to owners with maps, FAQs, summary 

statement of significance, talk to a planner pop-ups....

- AGENDA Council Meeting TUESDAY 20 JUNE 2023 6.30pm https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2023/06/C_20062023_AGN_4010_AT_WEB.htm


Councillor Howard left the Meeting at 10:45pm as he declared a significant, non-pecuniary
interest in Item 15 Inner West Heritage Program as his employing member lives in one of the areas being considered for listing as a new Heritage Conservation Area.

Councillor Stephens left the Meeting at 10:45pm as her declared a pecuniary interest in Item 15 Inner West Heritage Program as he has a relative who has an interest in a property
(which is their principal place of residence) within a proposed Heritage Conservation Area.

Procedural Motion (
That the meeting be extended for 10 minutes until 11.10pm.

Motion Carried

For Motion: Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Langford,
Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis

Against Motion: Crs Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias

Absent: Crs Howard and Stephens

C0623(1) Item 15 Inner West Heritage Program

Procedural Motion (Scott/Drury)

That the Motion be put.

Motion Lost

For Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias

Against Motion: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Griffiths, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis

Absent: Crs Howard and Stephens

Motion: (D’Arienzo/Smith)
That Council undertakes early consultation with residents regarding the residential
component of the heritage program, and takes it to the Inner West Local Planning
Panel for review before bringing a further report to Council.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Scott, Smith and Tsardoulias
Against Motion: Crs Atkins, Da Cruz, Langford, Lockie, Shetty and Stamolis
Absent: Crs Howard and Stephens
Councillors Howard and Stephens returned to the Meeting at 11:02pm

 Minutes https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/RedirectToDoc.aspx?URL=Open/2023/06/C_20062023_MIN_4010_WEB.htm

Not Heritage but still functional and possibly useful for Energy Distribution of future!

