Heritage Electricity Substations

Last Tuesday(20 June 2023) an item 15 was presented to Inner West Council, which notified Councillors that AUSGRID intended to delist 10 substations "In December 2021, Ausgrid contacted the Council to advise of the intent to delist several Section 170 heritage items"

Councillors resolved 7-6 not to proceed with Investigation of substations. Council Agenda Papers and Minutes at https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/

SMH articles of 15 and 20 June here here:



AUSGRID was ofcourse privatised. As a NSW government agency its Heritage items were protected by section 170 of Heritage Act.

Heritage and Conservation Register

Many of the state's heritage items are owned or managed by NSW Government agencies.

Under Section 170 of the NSW Heritage Act 1977, all state government agencies must keep and administer a database of heritage assets called a Section 170 Heritage and Conservation Register.

The Section 170 Register is an important resource to be used for making decisions about maintaining, conserving and making changes to heritage assets.

S170 Heritage and Conservation Register (PDF, 2.13 MB) (https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/system/files/media/documents/2021/TAHE%20S170%20Register.pdf)

https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/community-engagement/sydney-trains-community/heritage-and-conservation-register (viewed 22/6/2023)

Report and recommendation to Council

> Item No:         C0623(1) Item 15
> Subject:         Inner West Heritage Program           
> Prepared By:          Daniel East - Acting Senior Manager Planning  
> Authorised By:       Simone Plummer - Director Planning
> 1.   That Council notes the update and progress on the heritage pubs project.
> 2.   That Council undertakes early consultation with residents regarding the residential component of the heritage program.
> 3.   That Council endorse the preparation of a draft Planning Proposal to amend the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022 for residential and substations Heritage Conservation Areas and Items.
> The purpose of this report is to outline the proposed Inner West Heritage Program including:  
> ·    the matters ready to progress as amendments to the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022 (Inner West LEP), and
> ·    the future steps that are scheduled for commissioning from July 2023 onwards.
> Inner West Council is committed to protecting places of heritage significance. The Local Strategic Planning Statement and Local Housing Strategy contain actions requiring Council to review heritage significance across the LGA and inform amendment to the Inner West LEP and Development Control Plans.
> The heritage review commenced in 2021 and focussed on the southern area of the local government area (LGA) as large areas of the north of the LGA have heritage protection, for example, Balmain, Haberfield, Annandale.
> The review included heritage assessments conducted by independent consultants, GML Heritage, on Council’s behalf. Community feedback has provided further guidance to the scope. Collectively, the heritage program incorporates all GML Heritage recommendations and matters for consideration and will be progressed through future planning control amendments, including housekeeping matters as they arise.
> Current Activity
> Current work proposes to amend the Inner West LEP by mid-2024. The matters included in this work are those where the level of detailed heritage assessment has occurred to fully inform the proposals. Outlined below is a summary of each of three themes – Residential, Substations and Pubs. Attachment 1 provides maps depicting the proposed LEP amendments relating to these themes.

> Theme 2 – Substations 
> Scope 
> In December 2021, Ausgrid contacted the Council to advise of the intent to delist several Section 170 heritage items. Section 170 of the Heritage Act 1977 requires State Agencies to establish and maintain a ‘Heritage and Conservation Register’ This is a separate process to the listing items and areas in a local environmental plan, under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
> An officer review identified that ten properties proposed for delisting were not listed in the Inner West LEP 2022 yet had potential important heritage values. Officers responded to Ausgrid in February 2022 and advised our intent to undertake a more detailed assessment with the aim of potentially listing relevant items in Inner West LEP 2022.
> In addition to the list provided by Ausgrid, Officers undertook a review of all Ausgrid (legal owner Alpha Distribution Ministerial Holding Corporation) assets in the Inner West LGA to determine if other substations, which were neither listed under Section 170 nor in the Inner West LEP 2022, warranted detailed assessment. The review identified a further five substations of note which GML have confirmed have heritage significance and merit local listing as heritage items.
> The 15 substations proposed to be included in the Inner West LEP are:
> ·    12 Collins Street, Annandale (Electricity Substation No. 122) – currently S170 listed
> ·    83 Norton Street, Ashfield (Electricity Substation No. 1497) – currently S170 listed
> ·    46 Fitzroy Avenue, Balmain (Electricity Substation No. 1464) – currently S170 listed
> ·    2 Mort Street, Balmain (Electricity Substation No. 1486)
> ·    4 Rawson Street, Haberfield (Electricity Substation No. 1505)
> ·    62 Mackenzie Street, Leichhardt (Electricity Substation No. 1489)
> ·    6A William Street, Leichhardt (Electricity Substation No. 1477) – currently S170 listed
> ·    26 Percival Street, Lilyfield (Electricity Substation No. 1500) – currently S170 listed
> ·    25A Cadogan Street, Marrickville (Electricity Substation No. 793)
> ·    200 Victoria Road, Marrickville (Electricity Substation No. 284)
> ·    26 Burt Street, Rozelle (Electricity Substation No. 1435) – currently S170 listed
> ·    7 Moore Lane, Rozelle (Electricity Substation No. 1449) – currently S170 listed
> ·    15 Reynolds Avenue, Rozelle (Electricity Substation No. 1506) – currently S170 listed
> ·    131 Victoria Road, Rozelle (Electricity Substation No. 1521) – currently S170 listed
> ·    2 Carrington Street, Summer Hill (Electricity Substation No. 1439) – currently S170 listed
> Attachment 3 provides a copy of the two associated studies related to the substations proposals.
> Engagement
> Findings will be communicated to Ausgrid and Alpha Distribution Ministerial Holding Corporation and advise of the aim to proceed with a draft Planning Proposal to heritage list fifteen substations. Further engagement with the owners/operators and neighbours will take place during the statutory consultation phase.

Facebook Post 22 June

The #electricitysubstations on Tuesday night's Agenda have sparked much interest.
The Sydney Morning Herald articlesof 15 and 20 June 2023 here:
From council Agenda Item 15
> Findings will be communicated to Ausgrid and Alpha Distribution Ministerial Holding Corporation and advise of the aim to proceed with a draft Planning Proposal to heritage list fifteen substations. Further engagement with the owners/operators and neighbours will take place during the statutory consultation phase.
Councillors resolved 7-6 not to proceed with Investigation of substations. Council Agenda Papers and Minutes at https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/
TRUenergy acquired from the Nsw Gov state's electricity retail business & trade name EnergyAustralia. Following sale of electricity retail assets, gov changed name of remainder of enterprise to Ausgrid, in 2012 TRUenergy changed name to EnergyAustralia .../https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EnergyAustralia
Alpha Distribution Ministerial Holding Corporation (ADMHC) Landlord for 99 year lease of AusGrid electricity distribution network.

History of Electricity in Annandale 

Electricity Substation 60 Facade in construction site
Demolished substation Annandale

"Walter worked for Sydney County Council, who was responsible for electricity in Sydney. He recalls a time, when he was at the picture house and the movie was interrupted for an announcement that his services were required. So, he hopped on the Tram and headed into the city to get the electricity working again. - ANZAC Day 2009" https://ramin.com.au/annandale/story5-1.shtml

1900-1915 - Electricity comes to Annandale: https://ramin.com.au/annandale/story4-electricity.shtml



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