Mayoral Summit on Waste

Disappointing Mayoral Summit on Waste.
After summit chat

There were Councillors, public servants from NSW EPA, Fed dept if Environment and Councils. Two consultants also presented.
Craig Reussal of War on Waste fame was the MC. Another series is about to hit our screens.
There was a bit too much mention of EDUCATION of COMMUNITIES and not enough talk of Design.
We are only going to be able to tackle waste at the source with producer responsibility - currently the COMMUNITY is paying the DOMESTIC WASTE Charge to cover the cost. While PRODUCERS of the WASTE do not even tell us how much RECYCLED content they are using.
Feds plan
We throw away large amounts of food that was expensive to PRODUCE and DELIVER to us and cost us a lot. Then we pay to have it taken away. We need to mine our Waste and recover the resources. The landfill levy drove the community to separate their RESOURCES for RECOVERY - but no use if it is just dumped or burned,
The private sector plays a big part but we need better REGULATION and to be realistic COUNCILs can only advocate. And simply Tender to the Market for millions of dollars of services that move our garbage out of our LGA. It is the DESIGN and PROCUREMENT of these SERVICES which has to change.
The NSW and Federal Governments need to step up. 
Good to hear a call to support Local Hubs. Marrickville has had one for years at Addison Road. The Inner West Council Reuse and Recycle Hub opening is immenant.
In 2010, I looked into E-Waste and there was talk of the Reverse Supply Chain. What happened since? 

Green ICT E-Waste
From E-Waste to E-Resource

Marghanita da Cruz
May 2010, Post Script

Abstract: E-Waste, Electronic and Electrical waste, provides significant opportunity and threat. E-Waste contains valuable metals such as gold, silver, copper and nickel. It also contains expensive to produce and relatively easy to recycle aluminum and heavy metals lead and mercury. However, significant amounts of E-Waste ends up buried in landfill, from where the lead and mercury leaches out, contaminates soil and water and enters the human food chain...

Product Stewardship Legislation

Product Stewardship Bill 2011, Second Reading, Debate resumed on the motion...SENATE Hansard WEDNESDAY, 15 JUNE 2011

New Delhi June 6th, 2011: Greenpeace today welcomed the notification of the E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rule, 2011 on Extended Producer Responsibility principle by the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) 1. The notification of the rule makes environmentally sound management and disposal of electronic wastes

Exposure Draft Televisions and Computers Amendment Regulation 2012

An Exposure Draft of the Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Amendment Regulation 2012 and associated commentary was released on 26 April 2012. Comments close 17 May 2012
The Australian Government intends to make minor amendments to the Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Regulation 2012 to align the products and product codes listed in the Regulations with the revised product codes (published by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service) used in import declarations from 1 January 2012....


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