Inner West Greenway (Marion St to Bay)

Consultation on the Blue-Green Grid Strategy.

Community feedback dates 16 March -  30 April 2023

"Council is developing a strategy to create a network of blue and green connections across the Inner West to help improve accessibility, recreation, biodiversity, and lifestyle for all.

The Blue-Green Grid Strategy will create a plan for providing easy, enjoyable walking and cycling connections between the places you live and work (town centres, schools, public transport hubs) with the places you relax and recharge (harbours, rivers, parks, playgrounds).

The Strategy will provide a detailed plan for how we can connect areas of high environmental value, providing more viable areas of habitat and links to scenic landscapes. Popular walking tracks along the Cooks River and Sydney Harbour will be enhanced and complemented by improved connections through tree-lined streets and established urban parks."

What is a Blue-Green Grid Strategy?

Blue features

Canals, creeks, rivers, wetlands, rain gardens, bioswales, stormwater channels, harbour foreshores

Green features

Parks, trees, playgrounds, playing fields and golf courses, bushland, private gardens, street verges, green walls, green roofs


Map of our town centres, schools, public transport hubs and residential areas connected by ‘blue’ and ‘green’ links


Council’s plan to build and connect the grid over time


Along the Greenway

counter "step on for extra power"

path counter

Hawthorne  Canal Greenway

Cristo on the Greenway

more Cristo

Greenway, Haberfield



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