Planning for the Inner West's Blue-Green Grid

Media statement: Labor’s Nature Positive Plan: better for the environment, better for business

8 December 2022

And $1.8 billion in the recent Budget –
•    to protect the Great Barrier Reef
•    to save our native species 
•    to employ 1,000 new Landcare Rangers.
•    to support new Indigenous Protected Areas
•    to fund the Environmental Defenders Office, for the first time in nine years
•    And to clean up our urban rivers and waterways.  ...

Labor’s biodiversity market scheme needs to be planned well – or it could lead to greenwashing

Published: August 31, 2022

"A biodiversity market cannot stop degradation by itself"...

Video | The Greater Sydney Commission's Environment Commissioner, Rod Simpson, explains what the Green and Blue Grids of Greater Sydney are and how they make our city more liveable.

statutory review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

The Biodiversity Conservation Act requires the Minister responsible for administering the Act to begin a review as soon as possible after 5 years from the commencement of a majority of the Act's provisions (which occurred on 25 August 2017). The purpose of the review is to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms remain appropriate for securing those objectives. A report on the outcome of the review will be tabled in each House of Parliament by 24 August 2023.

Have your say

Find out more about the review and provide feedback on the review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act by 11 April 2023.

Statutory review of the native vegetation provisions of the Local Land Services Act

The Minister for Agriculture is required to carry out a five year statutory review of the native vegetation provisions contained in Part 5A and Schedule 5A and Schedule 5B of the Local Land Services Act 2013 .

Local Land Services is supporting the Minister to carry out the review, with the assistance of an independent expert advisory panel.

The review is taking place five years since the commencement of Part 5A and Schedule 5A and Schedule 5B of the Local Land Services Act 2013.

Read the terms of reference PDF, 73.73 KB for this review for more information.


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