Future of Waste - Separation and Logistics - Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

We are faced with a waste challenge.

  • logistics of kerbside collection (including emissions)
  • separation on the street, at the community centre and in the school
  • logistics of separation for processing
  • logistics of processing in a circular economy
  • not enough sharing and collaboration
  • our community wants to do better but governments including council are not stepping up.

Boomerang Alliance says "Time to make a switch to reusable coffee cups"

In the next two years plastic coffee cups and lids will be subjected to new rules across the European Union and the UK. Some countries such as Germany will be introducing laws that all cafes offer or sell reusable cups and lids. Other countries are planning a levy on all disposable cups and lids.

With the exception of Western Australia, very little is happening in this country despite the fact that we use an estimated 1.8 billion disposable coffee cups every year. Hardly any of which are ever recovered or recycled, most get littered or landfilled.

The Boomerang Alliance and our allies are proposing a national policy on coffee cups and lids based upon actions being taken overseas. We want to see plastic coffee cups phased out by 2024, every cafe offering or selling reusable cups and lids AND a levy imposed on all disposable coffee cups and lids. We think this is the incentive we need to make reusable and BYO cups and lids common place.


NSW Government asks about expanding the Container Deposit

C1022(1) Item 36         Notice of Motion: Council Support for Waste Education

Motion: (Da Cruz/Byrne)

That Council:

1.    Notes Kegworth Primary School Sustainability initiatives and provide $1500 grant or compostable bags and food waste bins to their Festive Market and incorporate this as a pilot case study in our community education; and

2.    Receive a report on standardising support for P&Cs and P&Fs associations for school fetes and festivals.

Motion Carried

For Motion:   Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Shetty, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil

Absent:                        Cr Scott


Item No:         C1022(1) Item 36

Subject: Notice of Motion: 

Council Support for Waste Education           

From:             Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz   


That Council notes Kegworth Primary School Sustainability initiatives and provide $1500 grant or compostable bags and food waste bins to their Festive Market and incorporate this as a pilot case study in our community education.


 See attachment.

Officer’s Comments:

Comment from Director Planning:

Council has many valued partnerships with Inner West schools. Environmental grants applications for 2022, which are the appropriate mechanism which Council has established for allocating money to proposals such as this, closed on 16 September 2022 and Kegworth school was not an applicant. Another round of grant funding will be available in 2023.

Council’s initial rollout of its FOGO service is to apartments and the detailed report to the October meeting sets out a timeline for rollout of FOGO to all households. At present this plan does not include the provision of a Council FOGO service to state government facilities such as schools or other commercial facilities, however assistance to Kegworth school in terms of greenwaste bins, native plants from our nurseries and education resources from our Green Living Centre can be made available, and the relevant officers are in the process of reaching out to the school


C1022(1) Item 15         Inner West Council Food and Garden Organics Service

Motion: (Byrne/Drury)


That Council:


1.   Note the FOGO service to all Inner West households is to commence in March 2024;


2.   Receive a briefing on the Community Engagement Plan for FOGO; and


3.   Receive a further report to the December Council meeting identifying:


a)    Options for bringing forward the

commencement of the service to all homes to the 2023 calendar year;

b)    Procure independent advice from industry experts about the tender process about to commence; and

c)    Convene a briefing session for Councillors on the service.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Atkins, Byrne, Da Cruz, D'Arienzo, Drury, Griffiths, Howard, Langford, Lockie, Scott, Shetty, Stamolis, Stephens and Tsardoulias

Against Motion:          Nil





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