Council Meeting 8 March 2022

Last Tuesday was the third meeting of the new Council. We are now meeting once a month and Labor is also seeking to shut down debate. 

It was done more subtly at this meeting than the last, but the chair only called and recognised alternate speakers for and against, before putting the motion. 

After hearing from three passionate speakers, all councillors supported my ALGA Motion - Yes to the Circular Economy No to Incinerators.

Some of my amendments got up but others didn't! 

  1. C0322(1) Item 27 Mayoral Minute: An Inner West Arts and Music Crisis Summit incorporated my amendment "7. Invite all councillors to attend the Inner West Arts and Music Crisis Summit.".. 
  2. It will be interesting to see what the community thinks of the proposed new meeting code, which will be put on exhibition.
  3. C0322(1) Item 5 2021/22 Second Quarter Budget Review, incorporated my amendment "2. Council notes that the format of the Quarterly Reports is a work in progress and following the recent special conference, LGNSW will be pursuing templates, KPIs for more transparency with the NSW Government." was incorporated.
  4. The major projects committee will need to be monitored very closely after my amendment to C0322(1) Item 7 Dawn Fraser Baths - Internal Audit Report "That the membership of the Major Project committee be open to all councillors and subject to a Terms of Reference." did not get incorporated.
  5. C0322(1) Item 9 Six monthly progress report incorporated my amendment "2. Undertakes to improve:a) measures (statistics) to show progress on strategies and alignment of actions with strategies; and b) community reporting and consultation on the community strategic plan and delivery program to ensure they align with community's changing needs."
  6. C0322(1) Item 23 RFT 06-21 Greenway In-Corridor Works Design and Construction Tender Further Advice incorporated my amendment "8.    Council receive quarterly progress reports covering project assurance, risks and mitigation." 
  7. On Councillor Lockie's C0322(1) Item 14 Notice of Motion: Rainbow Pathway For World Pride the amendment to " Establish a World Pride Committee for the period of a year, tasked with working towards including Inner West Council venues and programs in Sydney World Pride, consisting of 3 councillors (Chair: Deputy Mayor Jessica D'Arienzo, Clr Pauline Lockie and Clr Liz Atkins), 2 representatives of the LGBTQ working group and relevant staff." was welcome too as the Inner West is such a strong Pride Community and has much to share.
  8.  Labor's amendments to water down Clr Atkins C0322(1) Item 12  Notice of Motion: Gender Inclusion were disappointing but it passed and made the news

Minutes and Agenda of Council Meeting 8 March 2022 via Zoom at


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