The Idea of Perfection - Birchgrove Oval Wooden Fence

 The Idea of Perfection is a novel by Kate Grenville. 

It came up in a #footpath conversation about council replacing or repairing this wooden fence with a metal one. 

That evening, I was pleased to second clr stamolis' motion for a wooden fence, which council resolved! 

Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting remotely and livestreamed on Council’s website on 8 September 2020

 C0920(1) Item 6  Notice of Motion: Birchgrove Oval: Heritage Picket Fence

Motion: (Stamolis/Da Cruz)

THAT Council:

1.   Consider a new wooden fence or repairs and maintenance to the existing wooden picket fence; and

2.   Report back in October 2020.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Macri, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Drury, McKenna OAM and York

Absent:                        Cr Lockie

May be an image of text that says "WO nave collectively ed a place that people feel nd sense of belonging." betwoon Settl Services International (SSI West Council and the Cat Diocese of Sydney. Birehgrove Heritage fence f Birchgrove Oval Council has replaced the he picket fence at Birchgrove The beautiful oval on Sydne Harbour is the birthplace of league in Australia and was National Trust listed in 1988. was completed in early Febr 2022. Council spent $290,000 the fence replacement sand wall repairs and an accessib walkway."
"Heritage fence for Birchgrove Oval: Council has replace the heritage picket fence at Birchgrove Oval. The beautiful oval on Sydney Harbour is the birhplace of rugby league in Australian and was National Trust listed in 1988. Work was completed in early February 2022. Council spent $290,000 on the fence replacement, sandstone wall repairs and an accessible walkway." -Inner West News Feb/Mar 2022


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