Style St - Leichhardt


Mal, Ad and Neil on #stylesst #leichardt2040 today. 
The Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan (PAMP has identified numerous items to address on Styles street where kids cycle or walk to and from school and adults take kids to and from the schools and preschool: 
  • narrow footpaths 
  • poles blocking footpaths 
  • narrow pedestrian refuges 
  • shortcomings in pedestrian crossings 
  • lighting 
Now we need to get on and fix it! Show us the money and let's make it walking and cycling a priority - not because of the health benfits but because of the pleasure. 
 "For instance, it’s too common to see, across NSW, local streets and neighbourhoods bereft of footpaths. For children, older people, parents pushing prams or people with disabilities – the lack of a footpath isn’t an inconvenience; it’s a barrier to moving freely in public space. "- Rob Stokes, Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport 10 February 2022, Footpaths and cycleways are an act of democracy – Ask Steph, the fifth estate, 


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