
Showing posts from February, 2022

Sydney Water Bill - faulty meter

 With no one using water at 3A collins st Water meter turning on 25 Feb 2022 at 13:4600 with mains tap closed at Water Meter turning at 25 Feb 2022 at 13.4658 with mains tap open   Readings below taken on 25 Feb 2022 from 9.02 to 13.20. 20220225_132024 20220225_130115 20220225_113250 20220225_111030 20220225_102821 20220225_100018 wrapped hot water outlet to test for leak 20220225_100010 wrapped hot water outlet to test for leak 20220225_095630 20220225_093752 20220225_090204

The Idea of Perfection - Birchgrove Oval Wooden Fence

  The Idea of Perfection is a novel by Kate Grenville.  It came up in a #footpath conversation about council replacing or repairing this wooden fence with a metal one.  That evening, I was pleased to second clr stamolis' motion for a wooden fence, which council resolved!  Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting remotely and livestreamed on Council’s website on 8 September 2020   C0920(1) Item 6  Notice of Motion: Birchgrove Oval: Heritage Picket Fence Motion: (Stamolis/Da Cruz) THAT Council: 1.   Consider a new wooden fence or repairs and maintenance to the existing wooden picket fence; and 2.   Report back in October 2020. Motion Carried For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Macri, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer Against Motion:          Crs Drury...

Council Meeting 8 February 2022

Pleased the Mayor accepted my amendments to C0222(1) Item 1      Mayoral Minute: ULURU Statement 4.     Receive an update to the August 2018 Resolution to "THAT the General  Manager write to the CEO of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land  Council with a view to commencing negotiations towards the signing a  Principles of Co-operation Agreement between Inner West Council and The Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council ('Metro')."; 5.     Seek to establish links with other First Nations organisations such as Boomalli and Deadly Connections which are based in the Local Government Area and regional organisations such as Jumbunna at University of Technology Sydney and Koori Radio/Yabun; and 6.     Consult on supporting the creation of places and times for Truth Telling. and to C0222(1) Item 2      Mayoral Minute: Demerger Survey 4.  ...

Style St - Leichhardt

  Met Mal, Ad and Neil on #stylesst #leichardt2040 today.    The Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan (PAMP ) has identified numerous items to address on Styles street where kids cycle or walk to and from school and adults take kids to and from the schools and preschool:    narrow footpaths  poles blocking footpaths  narrow pedestrian refuges  shortcomings in pedestrian crossings  lighting    Now we need to get on and fix it! Show us the money and let's make it walking and cycling a priority - not because of the health benfits but because of the pleasure.     " For instance, it’s too common to see, across NSW, local streets and neighbourhoods bereft of footpaths. For children, older people, parents pushing prams or people with disabilities – the lack of a footpath isn’t an inconvenience; it’s a barrier to moving freely in public space. " - Rob Stokes, Minister for ...

State of the Inner West - Reviewing our Community Strategic Plan

Last October Inner West Council published State of the Inner West    The State of the Inner West October 2021 (PDF 7.9MB) outlines progress against the Community Strategic Plan (CSP).   The CSP is reviewed every four years and is supported by a four year delivery program (IP&P) and annual budgets.  Council reporting at     Councillors will review the feedback from community consultation ( ) along with financial and other strategic imperatives will be workshopped with councillors. Staff will make recommendations on reshaping the CSP, IP&P and each year's budget, with a view to adoption by 30 June 2022.   Office of Local Government: "The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework changed the way Councils in NSW planned, documented and reported on their p...