Pedestrian Safety in Leichhardt

Tragic week in Leichhardt with two pedestrians accidents.

May be an image of road

12 October 2021 Accident: Locals lay flowers for Valentina Gioia, killed in Leichhardt road acciden:

11 Oct 2021:Sydney mum with pram hit by car in horror accident while walking along footpath 

Accident Norton/Marion Sts 16 May 2021

Agenda Council Meeting 12 October 2017

Notices of Motion from ClR Marghanita Da Cruz

Local Traffic Committee Meeting TUESDAY 6 MARCH 2018

LTC0318 Item 22 Leichhardt and Haberfield - Pedestrian Safety Measures (Balmain      Ward/Balmain Electorate/Leichhardt LAC)


Prepared by:  David Yu – Traffic Engineer


Authorised by: Manod Wickramasinghe – Coordinator Traffic Engineering Services



Council officers have been requested to investigate pedestrian safety measures at several intersections in Haberfield and Leichhardt as an outcome of a Council resolution. Local businesses and residents raised pedestrian safety concerns regarding vehicles narrowly missing pedestrians, buses clipping the footpath endangering pedestrians, and “Road Rage” incidents.


Officer’s Recommendation



1.    this report be received and noted.

2.    a further report be prepared detailing the investigation of 40km/h speed limits on Marion Street, Leichhardt and Ramsay Street, Haberfield.



At the Council Meeting held 24 October 2017, Council resolved that the following matters be referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration:

1. Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming for the commercial areas approaching the intersection of Dalhousie and Ramsay Streets, Haberfield;


2. Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming on Marion Street at the intersections with Norton Street, Elswick Street and Flood Street, Leichhardt; and

3. Investigate pedestrian safety measures including the introduction of 40km speed limits and associated traffic calming on the approaches to the intersection of Flood Street and Lords Road, Leichhardt.






Council sought advice from RMS for introducing 40km/h speed limits in the vicinity of the following intersections:

·         Dalhousie and Ramsay Streets, Haberfield;

·         Marion Street at the intersection with Norton Street, Leichhardt;

·         Marion Street at the intersection with Elswick Street, Leichhardt;

·         Marion Street at the intersection with Flood Street, Leichhardt; and

·         Flood Street and Lords Road, Leichhardt.


RMS has recently specified the requirements for introducing 40km/h speed limits. Council will further investigate the subject streets based on these requirements and bring an additional report back to the Traffic Committee.

The crash data for the subject streets are summarised in the table below (5 year data):


Accident Data

Dalhousie Street and Ramsay Street, Haberfield

8 accidents - no pedestrians involved (25m radius)

Marion Street and Norton Street, Leichhardt

8 accidents - 3 pedestrians involved (25m radius)

Elwick Street (Between Marion Street and Parramatta Road), Leichhardt

2 accidents - no pedestrians involved

Flood Street (Between Marion Street and Parramatta Road), Leichhardt

10 accidents - 4 pedestrians involved

Flood Street and Lords Road, Leichhardt

8 accidents - 4 pedestrians involved (25m radius)


It should also be noted that Council previously submitted the following project to RMS under the RMS 2016/2017 Grants Applications:


·         Marion Street at Flood Street, Leichhardt – Install right turn holding arrow for pedestrian safety or flashing orange as proposed on new RMS program (100% funding) – Submission Reference No. 210306868.


It should also be noted that Council previously submitted the following project to RMS under the RMS 2015/2016 Grants Applications:


·         Lords Road/Flood Street, Leichhardt – Construction of kerb extensions at roundabout (ID 10041) (completed).

  • The intersection of Marion Street and Elswick Street, Leichhardt – for northbound and southbound traffic turning right from Elswick Street into Marion Street across the signalised pedestrian crossing.  (4 reported collisions in 5 years none pedestrian related).







To improve pedestrian safety at the locations outlined in this report, it is recommended that 40km/h speed limits be further investigated on Marion Street, Leichhardt and Ramsay Street, Haberfield.





The Committee members agreed with the Officer’s recommendation.






1.    this report be received and noted.

2.    a further report be prepared detailing the investigation of 40km/h speed limits on Marion Street, Leichhardt and Ramsay Street, Haberfield.


For motion: Unanimous


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