Freight and Service Delivery Strategy & Electric Vehicles - "Democracy" Transport Advisory Committee Agenda 6 Sep 2021

 On Monday's Local "Democracy" Transport Advisory Committee

What seems to be missing is heavy trucks!!

ITEM 6PROJECT OVERVIEW -Freight and Service Delivery Strategy
It is currently proposed that a Freight andService Delivery Strategy will be prepared
to examine howfreight and servicing is currently carried out in the Inner West LGA,
and in so doing identify issues/conflicts that are currently arising or likely to arise in
the future.

The second stage of the study will be aimed at recommending a series of initiatives
which will help to minimise the impacts of freight and servicing.

Some aspects of freightandservice delivery already identified forconsideration
•Conflict with pedestrians in retail centres/“main streets”;
•Increasing numbers of smaller delivery vehicles in residential areas;
•Increasing numbers of “Gig Economy”riders/drivers;
•Changing technologies and approaches to deliveries (e.g.drones, bike
couriers, courier transfer hubs)

Council[officers] would like to take this opportunity toget Transport Advisory Committee
members thoughts on what should be included in the brief for this project.

Also on Monday's Local "Democracy" Transport Advisory Committee

PROJECT UPDATE -Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy
The Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategywascommenced in February 2021
with a view toa draft being presented to Councilat the end of 2021,for adoption to
exhibit in the first quarter of2022.

It is anticipated that The Strategy will provide a framework within which:
•Publicly available electric vehicle charging can be provided on Council property;
•Approval processes for electric vehicle charging on private property will be streamlined;
•Rates of provision of spaces for on-site electric vehicle charging in new developments will be established for inclusion in Council’s DCP;
•Advocacy and education initiatives to encourage greater uptake of electric vehicles will be developed;
•A series of pilot projects wouldbe established to encourage greater uptake of electric vehicles;
•A set of site location criteria couldbe established for choosing kerbside parking locations.
In considering electric vehicle encouragement the key points include:
•At present electric vehicles (EVs) represent around 1.0% of all cars sold in Australia annually (yes, that isn’t a lot–however that is rapidly changing), while sales in Europe represent around 10%;
•Over the past10 years some 20,000 EVs have been sold in Australia, while world-wide there are over 11 million EVs on the road;3

•It is generally agreed that there are three key things that stop people buyingelectric cars are:
ocost (including variety in the choice of models);
ocharging (both availability of charging facilities “range anxiety” and the time it takes to charge an EV);
oknowledge –in many ways education leading to increased knowledge can significantly help in overcoming concerns relating to charging (e.g.
theaverage privately owned urban EV is likely to require full charging no more than once each week and if EV pricing can come down to
around 25% more than an equivalent Internal Combustion Engine car (ICE)the lower on-going costs will off-set that difference).
•Recent surveys indicate that over 50% of urban Australians would consider an electric vehicle for their next car if price parity (with ICEs) was achieved and charging was readily available;
•By 2030 the majority of major car manufacturers are planning to stop producing ICEs;
•It is anticipated that by 2025 Australia consumers will have over 50 EV models to choose from;
•The NSW State Government launched their Electric Vehicle Strategy which includes:
oreduced stamp duty;
ofleet incentives;
ofunding for new charging facilities;
•There may be anopportunity for Inner West Council to become the pre-eminent Council supporting EVs and in so doing create its own unique niche
in “EV Tourism” fostering local business and economic development.
Additionally, Inner West Council has a series of policies and strategies guiding us to “Net Zero” including targets to reduce our community emissions by 75% (2036) and to zero by 2050.EV technology supports this if the EVs are charged by renewable energy sources.

It is proposed that the Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy will have a 5-yearaction plan referred to as its Implementation Road Map(see figure below)

The Committee’s project update will provide summaries of:
•Project research;
•Preliminary stakeholder engagement;
•Concepts for the draft Strategy.

Committee members will be provided a verbal update/slide deck regarding the likely direction for the draft Strategy in response to recent stakeholder engagementand their feedback sought.



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