
Showing posts from September, 2021

Item No: C0921(3) Item 6 Subject: Zero Waste Strategy Targets/ Council Meeting Agenda TUESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2021

Questions and clarification, including basedline at Item No: C0921(3) Item 6 Subject: Zero Waste Strategy Target RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council note the short and long term targets under the Zero Waste Strategy DISCUSSION  On 3 August 2021, Council resolved to; 3. Receive a report on the short and medium term targets under the strategy and plan for ensuring Council will monitor achievement of these interim targets.  The table below details these targets with some examples of the actions that will be undertaken to reach them:   Priority Targets (Strategy targets highlighted)   Monitoring   Reporting Short-term 2021-2025 Medium-Term 2026-2030 Long-term 2031-2036 Avoid waste generation             Actions: Reduce waste landfilled per resident by 10% by

Monitoring Zero Waste at Inner West Council 28 Sep 2021:Questions on Update on Waste Strategy

28 Sep 2021:Update on Waste Strategy Item No: C0921(3) Item 6 Subject: Zero Waste Strategy Targets/ Council Meeting Agenda TUESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2021 ( )  Questions A)the baseline data for the waste streams identified in report;  The baseline data for the Zero Waste Strategy was from 2015/16 as this was amalgamation year. Data will be compared against this baseline in quarterly corporate reporting.   B)Litter to include Dog Poo and Cigarette Butts; Litter includes a range of items including cigarette butts as detailed in the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 – Stage 1 2021-27. NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041   C)Investigation of Drop off for small items eg x-rays through product stewardship/EPA schemes at community centres/libraries/service centres as well as businesses; IWC is currently looking to implement a range of collection/ drop-off opportunities to improve