Transition of Council’s Fleet

The challenge with renewables is storage for power on demand. Batteries, Pumped Hydro and even Hydrogen are storage options.

For many years we have had peak and off peak electricity. Accordingly the feed in Tarrif is a premium at Peak Time.
  • PV generates during the day - in rain or shine.
  • Wind generates when wind blows.
Feeding into the Grid at Peak times is lucrative.


C0320(2) Item 3 Notice of Motion: Transition of Council’s Fleet

Motion: (Da Cruz/Byrne)

THAT Council:

1. Note the receipt of a petition of over 100 signatures reflecting community support for the transition of the Council fleet to electric vehicles and receive an update on the Fleet Transition Plan in early 2020;

2. Write to the Federal Government to look at exemption electric vehicles from luxury tax;

3. Write to the state government proposing a period of 5 years registration free as an incentive to help people change over; and

4. Consider as part of the budget providing electric vehicles with free parking in metered zones.

Motion Carried

For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion: Nil


Item No: C0320(2) Item 3
Subject: Notice of Motion: Transition of Council’s Fleet
From: Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz

THAT Council note the receipt of a petition of over 100 signatures reflecting community support for the transition of the Council fleet to electric vehicles and receive an update on the Fleet Transition Plan in early 2020.


Ms Anna Harvery of Croydon attended 10 December 2019 Inner West Council meeting and spoke to C1219(1) Item 1 Climate and Renewables Strategy. Ms Harvey also presented a petition with 103 signatures to council. The cover letter and text of the petition is attached.

Below are undated graphs from C1219(1) Item 1 Climate& Renewables Strategy, IWC Agenda 10Dec’19 and data from the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (June 2019) showing trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by sector....


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